Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mesothelioma Diagnosis-What are the 3 Different Types Of Biopsy that can be used?

Mesothelioma is a very rare form of asbestos related cancer that is most effectively treated when detected early. Unfortunately, the nature of the disease and the fact that it remains latent for decades usually results in late detection after the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, making it extremely difficult to treat. One method used in the detection/diagnosis of mesothelioma is a surgical biopsy.

There are three different types of biopsies available for those who have developed mesothelioma. Biopsy involves the surgeon removing the tissue in question for laboratory examination. Three types of biopsy are:

1-Incisional biopsy or a core biopsy

In this type of biopsy only a small part of the tissue is removed. This type of biopsy is used most commonly when the tumor is located in an area that is easily reached for example in breast cancer, however in most cases of mesothelioma especially in the pleural and peritoneal form of the disease the tumor is not easily accessible. So this type of biopsy has very limited use in the diagnosis of mesothelioma.

2-Excisional biopsy

In Excisional biopsy the whole tumor mass is removed by the surgeon as compared to incisional biopsy in which just a small portion of the tumor mass is removed. Excisional biopsy naturally comes with greater risks. Surgery is more extensive and time consuming it is also more complicated and the surgeon end up removing a significant portion of the sensitive linings surrounding major organs. However, it is always better to operate once very extensively than to make the patient undergo the same operation twice once the laboratory tests on the tissue samples confirm the cancer.

3-Fine needle aspiration biopsy

The third type of diagnostic biopsy is called needle aspiration biopsy. In many cases, this is the technique most preferred by surgeons because it is a safe, quick procedure. Although most often used for tumors that are close to the skin's surface, needle aspiration biopsy (also called fine needle aspiration cytology or fine needle aspiration) can also be used to diagnose mesothelioma. Essentially, this technique uses a long, hollow needle to remove a sample of cells from the body to be tested and properly diagnosed. When this method is used to collect samples in mesothelioma cancer, the surgeon makes use of certain equipments that help him guide the needle carefully to where the tumor is located. After the cells are removed from the body, a pathologist who is a doctor that specializes in diagnosing diseases using cellular structures examines the cells under a microscope to determine the diagnosis. The pathologist employs a number of different techniques to diagnose the cells after biopsy, but in most cases the pathologist removes a very thin layer of tissue from the sample, places it on a microscope slide, adds dye to make cells more visible, and seals the slide so it can be examined under a microscope.

A pathologist is trained to analyze abnormal cell growth, which can indicate mesothelioma as well as other diseases. Other techniques employed by the pathologist involves the use of biochemical specialized staining procedures to identify specific tumor markers on the cancer cells.

Biopsy also allows the pathologist to examine the possible spread of cancer to other parts of the body. When the tumors in the body are removed, the pathologist carefully examines the margins to see if cancer is present. "Negative margins" means the cancer has probably not spread; the appearance of "positive margins" means there is a good chance that the cancer has spread beyond that tumor mass the surgeon removed. Mesothelioma spreads quickly, so if the biopsy report indicates the presence of possible metastases, additional imaging tests like CTscans, X-rays, MRIscans, PET scans are used to locate the extent of spread.

Bello kamorudeen.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5 commonly used imaging tecniques in the diagnosis of Mesothelioma

To make a diagnosis of mesothelioma, doctors usually start with the taking of a detailed medical history from the patient. Once there is enough clinical suspicion from the history the doctor will usually order for certain imaging tests and fluid and tissue sample tests for making a definitive diagnosis. This article will be looking at the different types of imaging tests that are usually used to diagnose mesothelioma.

Some of the most commonly used imaging methods include:

1-Chest X-ray

A chest x-ray can show the following:

-pleural effusion, this is accumulation of excessive fluid in the pleural space either in the right {60%} pleural space or in the left {40%} pleural space. The pleural space is the space between the two layers of the pleural membrane.

-x-ray can also reveal a mass in one of the lungs

-pleural plaques or pleural scarring might be seen.

2-Computed Tomography (CT)

Signs to look out for in the CTscan include:

-pleural thickening and pleural calcification

-thickening of interlobular fissures

-chest wall invasion

CT sans can also be used to guide the needle used in fine needle aspiration of tumor masses used for tissue biopsy.

3- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) This test produces a multi dimensional image of the tumors and the lung tissue so it is able to clearer picture of the diseased lung. It can show:

-the presence of mediastinal lymph nodes {lymph nodes situated in the tissue that divides the chest cavity into two halves}.

-a clear picture of the diaphragm to show whether it has been affected by the tumor.

4- Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

This is a relatively new technique that is very useful in determining the staging of the tumor.


By combining the benefits of CT and PET (anatomic and metabolic information) into a single scan, this technology can more accurately determine the stage of the cancer, and can help identify the best treatment option for the patient. Once mesothelioma is suspected through imaging tests, it is confirmed by pathological examination. Tissue is removed, put under the microscope, and a pathologist makes a definitive diagnosis, and issues a pathology report. Mesothelioma victims should be aware of the different types of diagnostic tests that they might be subjected to so that they can cooperate fully.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What are the four main risk factors for mesothelioma?

A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. For example, exposing skin to strong sunlight is a risk factor for skin cancer. Smoking is a risk factor for cancers of the lung, mouth, larynx (voice box), bladder, kidney, and several other organs. Having a known risk factor, or even several risk factors, does not mean that you will get the disease. And some people who get the disease may not have had any known risk factors.

These are the well known risk factors for the development of mesothelioma cancer:

1-Asbestos :

The main risk factor for developing mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. In fact, most cases of mesothelioma have been linked to asbestos exposure in the workplace.

Asbestos refers to a family of fibrous minerals made of silicate. It is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in dust and rocks in certain parts of the United States and other parts of the world. There are 2 main forms of asbestos:

1-Serpentine (curly) fibers include chrysotile, the most widely used form of asbestos. 2-Amphiboles are thin, rod-like fibers. There are 5 main types -- crocidolite, amosite, anthrophylite, tremolite, and actinolyte.

Amphiboles (particularly crocidolite) are considered to be more likely to cause cancer. However, the more commonly used chrysotile fibers are also linked with mesothelioma.

When chrysotile fibers in the air are inhaled, they tend to stick to mucus in the throat, trachea (windpipe), or bronchi (large breathing tubes of the lungs) and are then cleared by being coughed up or swallowed. But the long, thin amphibole fibers are less readily cleared, and they may reach the ends of the small airways and penetrate into the pleural lining of the lung and chest wall. These fibers may then injure mesothelial cells of the pleura, and eventually cause mesothelioma.

Asbestos fibers can also damage cells of the lung and result in asbestosis (formation of scar tissue in the lung) and/or lung cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which forms in the abdomen, may result from coughing up and swallowing inhaled asbestos fibers. Because of its heat and fire resistant properties, asbestos was once used in many products such as insulation, floor tiles, door gaskets, soundproofing, roofing, patching compounds, fireproof gloves, ironing board covers, and brake pads. The link between asbestos and mesothelioma has become well known, so its use in the United States has decreased dramatically. Most use stopped after 1989, but it is still used in some products.

People at risk for workplace asbestos exposure include some miners, factory workers, insulation manufacturers and installers, railroad and automotive workers, ship builders, gas mask manufacturers, and construction workers. Family members of people exposed to asbestos at work also have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma because asbestos fibers can be carried home on the clothes of the workers. The incidence rate for mesothelioma in men appears to be dropping, probably because there is now much less direct exposure to asbestos in industrial workplaces.

Asbestos was also used in the insulation of many older homes, as well as commercial and public buildings around the country, including some schools.

The risk of developing mesothelioma is related to how much asbestos a person was exposed to and how long this exposure lasted. People exposed at an early age, for a long period of time, and at higher levels are more likely to develop this cancer.

Mesothelioma take a long time to develop. The time between first exposure to asbestos and diagnosis of mesothelioma is usually between 20 and 50 years. Unfortunately, the risk of mesothelioma does not drop with time after exposure to asbestos. The risk appears to be lifelong and undiminished.


Zeolites are silicate minerals that are chemically related to asbestos. An example is erionite, which is common in the soil in parts of Turkey. High mesothelioma rates in these areas are believed to be due to exposure to this mineral.


There have been a few published reports of mesotheliomas that developed following exposure to high doses of radiation to the chest or abdomen or after injections of thorium dioxide (Thorotrast). This material was used by doctors for certain x-ray tests until the 1950s. Thorotrast was found to cause cancers, so it has not been used for many years.

4-SV40 virus Some studies have raised the possibility that infection with simian virus 40 (SV40) might increase the risk of developing mesothelioma. Some injectable polio vaccines given between 1955 and 1963 were contaminated with SV40. As many as 30 million people in the United States may have been exposed to the virus. But up till now there is no conclusive evidence of increased cases of mesothelioma amongst people that have received this contaminated vaccine.

Bello kamorudeen.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tennessee Mesothelioma Lawyers-They can get you the compensation you deserve

Tennessee mesothelioma, asbestos cancer attorneys, will help you get the compensation you deserve if you have suffered due to the neglect or wrongful actions of someone else. Those asbestos companies that exposed you to asbestos exposed you, knowing the risks involved in such exposure.

This rapidly spreading cancer is caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust and fibers. It may take from 20-30 years for mesothelioma to develop after a person is exposed to asbestos. Current studies suggest 2000-3000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with mesothelioma per year with that number increasing steadily.

Tennessee companies that manufactured sold and installed products made with asbestos had knowledge of the deadly hazards of asbestos as early as 1920, but did nothing to warn or protect their workers from the risks. This has resulted in many of the exposed workers contracting mesothelioma unnecessarily.

Asbestos cancer can be a difficult disease to cope with. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or you think you may have the disease, visit your physician as soon as possible and get in touch with an attorney who has extensive knowledge of mesothelioma. Time is of the essence when it comes to mesothelioma.

Attorneys need time to properly prepare you case so it is very important you get in touch with one as soon as you are properly diagnosed. Just a few days could mean the difference between a large settlement and no compensation at all. So get in touch with a Tennessee mesothelioma Lawyer as soon as you receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Bello kamorudeen.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mesothelioma life expectancy: Important factors that can improve the lifespan of Mesothelioma Patients

Good prognostic factors for the survival of mesothelioma are:

1-Early stage at diagnosis.

Patients that are diagnosed when the tumor is still in either stage 1 or stage 2 have a better prognosis than patients that are diagnosed when the tumor is already in the stages 3 and 4 by which stage only symptomatic treatment to reduce the symptoms can only be given.

2- Good general state of health.

The better the state of health the better the patient will be able to withstand the stress of treatment and extensive potentially curative surgery which in turn translates into achieving better results of treatment.

3-Younger age The younger the age of the patient at the time of diagnosis the better the outcome of the treatment for the disease. Older victims tend to have some other chronic age related illnesses like diabetes and hypertension which further decreases the state of health of the patient.

4-Epithelioid subtype

There are different types of mesothelioma based on histological characteristics of the cancer cells{cellular structure of the cells}.The different histological types are the sarcomatoid, the epitheliod type, the biphasic type, and the desmoplastic type. The epitheliod type of cancer however has the best prognosis as it is very responsive to treatment and it does not spread as quickly as the other types.

5- Absence of chest pain. The presence of chest pain could signify that the tumor has infiltrated into the chest wall and other nearby structures thus making treatment difficult.

6- Nil significant weight loss Weight loss is a sign of advanced cancer so if the victim is still of normal weight by the time of diagnosis it means that the tumor is still likely to be localized.

7-Normal levels of a substance in the blood called LDH

8-Normal red blood cell counts, white blood cell counts, and blood platelet counts

Bello kamorudeen.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Looking at the common palliative surgeries for mesothelioma

Palliative surgery may be an option if the tumor has advanced and spread beyond the mesothelium and can not be removed completely, or if you are too ill to withstand the stress of undergoing a major surgery. The goal of this surgery is to relieve or prevent symptoms, as opposed to trying to cure the cancer.

For pleural mesotheliomas, pleurectomy/decortication is the most common type of palliative surgery. But in many cases, this surgery may be stressful for the patient to bear.

Surgical treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma is often done either to help relieve symptoms or to remove the tumor from the wall of the abdomen and other digestive organs. As with pleural mesothelioma, these tumors are often too extensive to remove completely. Similar operations can be done to remove a mesothelioma from the pericardium (the sac around the heart).

Surgery for mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis, which occurs in the groin, is also not usually curative. Most of the time surgery is done because the tumor resembles a hernia. The surgeon attempts to treat a suspected hernia and only realizes the diagnosis after the surgery is begun. This kind of mesothelioma typically can't be removed entirely.

Other palliative procedures

Several less invasive procedures can be used to control some of the symptoms caused by mesotheliomas, especially those due to the buildup of fluid.


In these procedures, a doctor uses a long, hollow needle to drain excess fluid from the pleura{the lining of the lungs} or the peritoneum{the lining of the abdominal cavity}, they can be done to provide relief from symptoms caused by accumulation of fluid, like difficulty in breathing. The major disadvantage of these techniques is that they often need to be repeated.


This procedure may be done to try to prevent fluid from building up in the chest cavity. A small cut is made in the skin of chest wall, and a hollow tube is placed into the chest to remove the fluid. Either talc or a drug such as doxycycline or a chemotherapy drug is then instilled into the chest cavity. This causes the linings of the lung (visceral pleura) and chest wall (parietal pleural) to stick together, sealing the space and preventing further fluid buildup. The tube is generally left in for a day or two to drain any new fluid that might accumulate.

Shunt placement:

This approach may be used if pleurodesis or other techniques are not effective. A shunt is a device that enables fluid to move from one part of the body to another. For example, a pleuro-peritoneal shunt allows fluid in the chest to move into the abdomen, where it is more likely to be absorbed by the body. The shunt is a long, thin, flexible tube with a small pump in the middle. In the operating room, the doctor inserts one end of the shunt into the chest cavity and the other end into the peritoneum. (The pump is placed just under the skin over the ribs.) Once the shunt is in place, the patient uses the pump several times a day to move the fluid from the chest to the abdomen.

Catheter placement:

This is another approach sometimes used to control the buildup of fluid. One end of the catheter (a thin, flexible tube) is placed in the chest or abdomen and the other end is left outside the body. This is done in a doctor's office or hospital. Once in place, the catheter can be attached to a special bottle or other device to drain out the fluid on a regular basis.

Bello kamorudeen.

Friday, December 25, 2009

What are the two main potentially curative surgeries for treating Pleural Mesothelioma?

Surgery for mesothelioma may be done to: a}try and cure the cancer and b}relieve the symptoms and pain caused by the tumor. Potentially curative surgery may be an option if your general state of health is good and the tumor has not advanced and spread beyond the primary location.

However, mesothelioma cells tend to spread into the chest wall, around the heart, over nerves, and the diaphragm. It is often difficult to detect this spread and remove all these cells. Because of this, doctors do not often agree on the exact role of surgery. In most cases it is not likely to cure you but may extend your life. Still, potentially curative surgery is being done in some major cancer centers, and a few patients who have had the surgery have had long remissions of their disease.

Two potentially curative surgical procedures that can be carried out if you have pleural mesothelioma are:

1-Extrapleural pneumonectomy:

This is an extensive operation that attempts to remove all or most of the cancer and some surrounding tissues as well. It is most often used in patients with localized mesothelioma of the epithelioid type, when there is a theoretical chance of a cure. The operation involves the removal of the pleura lining the chest wall, diaphragm, and pericardium, as well as the whole lung on the side of the tumor. The diaphragm and the pericardium are then reconstructed with man-made materials. This is a difficult operation and is done only by few highly skilled surgeons in large medical centers. You must be in good overall health with good lung function and no other serious illnesses to tolerate this surgery. Major complications occur in about 25% of people who undergo this operation.


Pleurectomy/decortication is a less extensive operation. This procedure removes the pleura, where the majority of the tumor is located. While it may be used to try to cure some cancers, it is more often used as a palliative procedure to relieve symptoms in cases where the entire tumor cannot be removed. It can help control the buildup of fluid, improve breathing, and decrease pain caused by the cancer.

Bello kamorudeen.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Exciting and emerging developments in the management of Mesothelioma

There is always research going on in the area of mesothelioma. New facts are emerging concerning the cause, new treatment possibilities and ways of prevention and better diagnosis of the cancer. Despite recent progress, much remains to be learned about the best way to treat these cancers. The two areas of note are in the area of causes and in the area of treatment.

1-Causes and prevention Much of this research has focused on learning exactly how asbestos changes normal cells and their DNA to cause cancer. Understanding how these fibers produce cancer might help us find ways to prevent those changes.

Now that we know about the dangers of asbestos, we can limit or stop its use in homes, public buildings, and the workplace. But rules to protect people from asbestos are much less strict (or they do not exist at all) in some other countries.

Research is also going on to learn about the role (if any) of a virus (SV40) that has been linked to mesothelioma in some studies.


Because chemotherapy drugs have not worked very well against advanced mesothelioma, several new ideas are now being studied. These include the possible development of drugs which kill cancers by stopping their blood supply and drugs which interfere with the ability of some cancer cells to grow quickly.

Doctors are always learning more about the best way to treat people with mesothelioma. Treatments that combine surgery, radiation, and chemo are now being studied and may provide the most promising option for some patients. New drugs, along with other modes of treatments, are now being tested in clinical trials.

Another upcoming treatment approach is a type of gene therapy. This treatment uses special viruses that have been changed in the lab. The virus is injected into the space around the lungs where it infects the cancer cells. When this happens, the virus in turn injects a gene into the cancer that may help immune system cells to attack the cancer.

There is also a lot of research into newer types of radiation that may be better able to more precisely map tumors and to give radiation more accurately. This may limit side effects and allow doctors to use higher dose of radiation on the tumors themselves.

Bello kamorudeen.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What are the 4 diseases that are commonly associated with asbestos exposure?

Exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to the development of these diseases:

1-Asbestosis Asbestosis is a serious, progressive and chronic disease of the lungs. This disease is not a cancer. Inhaling asbestos fibers that irritate and inflame lung tissues, causing the lung tissues to scar, causes asbestosis. The scarring makes it hard to breathe and difficult for oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through the lungs. Asbestosis generally progresses slowly. The incubation period for the onset of asbestosis is typically 10-20 years after the initial exposure. The disease can vary from asymptomatic (no symptoms) to disabling and potentially fatal condition.

Signs and Symptoms of asbestosis can include:

-Difficulty in breathing is the main symptom

-A persistent and productive cough (a cough that expels mucus)

-Chest tightness

-Chest pain

-Loss of appetite

-A dry, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling


Mesothelioma is a rare cancer which may affect the lining of the lings (pleura) or the lining of the abdominal cavity {peritoneum}. Exposure to asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma.

3-Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that invades and obstructs the lung's air passages. Cigarette smoking greatly increases the likelihood of a person developing lung cancer as the result of asbestos exposure. The most common symptoms of lung cancer are cough, wheezing, unexplained weight loss, coughing up blood, and labored breathing. Other symptoms of lung cancer include shortness of breath, persistent chest pain, hoarseness, and anemia. People who develop these symptoms do not necessarily have lung cancer, but the presence of these symptoms should spark off reasonable suspicion especially if they have been exposed to asbestos in the past.

4- Other Pleural Abnormalities

Persons with significant exposure to asbestos are at risk for developing various types of pleural (lining of the lungs) abnormalities. These abnormalities include pleural plaques, pleural thickening, pleural calcification, and pleural mesothelioma.

Bello kamorudeen.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You can be exposed to asbestos from these sources!

You can be exposed to asbestos in your workplace, in their communities, or in your homes. This article will look at four main sources of asbestos exposure.

Libby Vermiculite Vermiculite ore mined in Libby, Montana contained amphibole asbestos. People were exposed to the asbestos at and near the Libby mine. Other people were exposed when more than 200 sites around the country received and processed vermiculite from the Libby mine. Exposure to asbestos-contaminated vermiculite from Libby occurred through workplaces, communities, and households. Vermiculite mining in and near the city of Libby, Montana began in the 1920s and was continued from 1963 until 1990. The vermiculite ore mined in Libby was contaminated with tremolite asbestos.

A research review found that for the 20-year period examined, mortality from asbestosis was approximately 40 times higher than the rest of Montana and 60 times higher than the rest of the United States.

Naturally occurring asbestos

In some places such as El Dorado hills California, asbestos occurs naturally in soil. People may be exposed to asbestos fibers when asbestos-contaminated soil is disturbed where they live, work and play. Naturally occurring asbestos refers to those fibrous materials that are found in the rocks or soil in many areas. People can be exposed to asbestos where they live, work, or play through routine activities that crush asbestos-containing rock or stir up dust in soils containing asbestos fibers.

Some examples of these activities are as follows:

• Working in the yard or garden

• Digging or shoveling dirt

• Riding bicycles, off-road vehicles such as four wheelers, and dirt bikes on unpaved surfaces

• Running, hiking, and playing on unpaved surfaces

World Trade Center

If you live in New York especially around Manhattan area, you might have been exposed to asbestos fibers that were released after the Sept 11 bomb attack on the World Trade Center.

Other Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos has been used in commercial applications and to make automotive, building, and consumer products. Asbestos-containing material may release asbestos fibers into the air during product use, demolition work, building or home maintenance, repair, and remodeling.

Bello kamorudeen.

Monday, December 21, 2009

10 alarming facts about exposure to asbsestos

These are some important facts about exposure to asbestos fibers that you should know.

1-When asbestos fibers are inhaled, most fibers are expelled, but some become lodged in the lungs and remain there throughout life. Fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation.Repeated chronic scarring and inflammation can lead to the development of diseases.

2-People are more likely to experience asbestos-related disorders when they are exposed to high concentrations of asbestos for longer periods of time, and/or are exposed more often.

3-Inhaling longer, more durable asbestos fibers (such as tremolite and other amphiboles)leads to the development of more severe asbestos related diseases.

4-Exposure to asbestos, including tremolite, can increase the likelihood of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and non-malignant lung conditions such as asbestosis (restricted use of the lungs due to retained asbestos fibers) and changes in the lung lining.

5-Changes in the lining of the lungs (pleura) such as thickening, plaques, calcification, and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) may be early signs of asbestos exposure. These changes can affect breathing more than previously thought. Pleural effusion can be an early warning sign for mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs).

6-Most cases of asbestosis or lung cancer in workers occurred 15 years or more after the person was first exposed to asbestos.

7-Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed 30 years or more after the first exposure to asbestos.

8-Mesothelioma has been diagnosed in asbestos workers, family members, and residents who live close to asbestos mines.

9-Health effects from asbestos exposure may continue to progress even after exposure is stopped.

10-Smoking or cigarette smoke, together with exposure to asbestos, greatly increases the likelihood of lung cancer.

Bello kamorudeen.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

What are the common side effects of Mesothelioma Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy drugs work by attacking rapidly dividing cells in the body, and it is this characteristic that makes them effective against cancer cells. But other cells in the body, such as those in the bone marrow, the lining of the mouth and intestines, and the hair follicles, also divide rapidly and are likely to be affected by chemotherapy leading to side effects. The side effects of chemotherapy depend on the type and dose of drugs you are given and on how long they are used for. These side effects can include: -hair loss

-mouth sores

-loss of appetite

-nausea and vomiting

-increased chance of infections (due to low white blood cell counts) -easy bruising or bleeding (due to low blood platelet counts)

-fatigue (due to low red blood cell counts)

These side effects are usually temporary and go away after treatment is finished. There are often ways to lessen these side effects. For example, there are drugs that can be given to help prevent or reduce nausea and vomiting. Be sure to ask your doctor about medicines to help reduce side effects, and let him or her know when you do have side effects so they can be managed effectively.

Some drugs can have other side effects. For example, cisplatin can lead to nerve damage . This can sometimes lead to hearing loss or symptoms in the hands and feet such as pain, burning or tingling sensations, sensitivity to cold or heat, or weakness. (This is called peripheral neuropathy.) In most cases this goes away once treatment is stopped, but it may last a long time in some people. You should report this, as well as any other side effects or changes you notice while getting chemotherapy, to your medical team so that you can get prompt treatment for them. In some cases, the doses of the chemotherapy drugs may need to be reduced or treatment may need to be delayed or stopped to prevent the effects from getting worse.

Bello kamorudeen.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Important questions that you should ask your doctor before you recieve Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

Before choosing chemo as a treatment option, you should understand the expected benefits, side effects, and risks. There are some questions that you should ask your doctor before you start a chemotherapy treatment. The answers you will get will prepare you for the likely outcome.

These are some of the questions you should ask your doctor:

-What is the goal of chemotherapy for my cancer?

-What are the chances that the chemotherapy will work?

-After chemotherapy, will I be cured, in remission, or relieved of my symptoms?

-Are there other ways to get to the same goals?

-How will I know if the chemotherapy is working?

-If the chemotherapy does not work, are there other treatments for me?

-What are the risks and side effects of the chemotherapy I will be taking? How do side effects of this chemo compare with side effects of other treatments?

-How will I get the chemotherapy, how often, and for how long?

-Where will I be given the drugs? -What can I do to get ready for treatment and decrease the chance of side effects?

-Will I need to change my diet in any way? My activities? My work? Exercise? Sexual activities?

-Will I also need surgery, radiation, or both? If so, when and why? What results can I expect from each type of treatment? -If I have chemo after surgery or radiation, will it kill any remaining cancer cells? Could chemo be used alone?

-Could I take part in a clinical trial?

-How much will chemotherapy cost? Will my health insurance cover it? -If the insurance company asks for a second opinion, or if I would like to get one, can you suggest someone for me to see?

Here are some things you should do to help you remember the doctors answers:

-Take notes during your visits. Don't feel shy about asking your doctor to slow down if you need more time to write. Ask questions if you don't understand something.

-If you can, use a tape recorder during your visit so you won't miss anything.

-Consider taking a friend or relative with you to help you understand what your doctor says during your visit and to refresh your memory afterward.

Mesothelioma victims must seek as much knowledge as they can get about mesothelioma so that they can cope maximally with treatment.

Bello kamorudeen.

Malignant Versus Benign Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is one of the diseases that are related to asbestos exposure, most of the time the type of mesothelioma seen is the Malignant Mesothelioma. However rarely mesothelioma victims can develop a milder tumor called Benign Mesothelioma. Although both are tumor diseases that are caused by exposure to asbestos, there are marked differences between the two types of mesothelioma:

- Benign Mesothelioma has a short latency period in contrast to the malignant type which typically has a very long latency period. The symptoms of the malignant variant show up about 20 -50 years after exposure to asbestos while the symptoms of the benign type show up few years after exposure.-

- Tumors cells of the malignant type can invade nearby tissues and organs causing serious damage while tumor cells of the benign type do not invade nearby tissue and cells.

- Tumor cells from the malignant mesothelioma can spread {metastases}via blood stream or lymphatic to distant locations in the body to cause various serious complications while tumor cells of the benign type do not spread to distant locations, they remain localized to their primary site. -

- Although both forms of mesothelioma share the symptoms of cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing , the malignant type also presents with other symptoms like fever, weight loss, night sweats, anemia amongst others.-

- Imaging tests like chest x-ray, MRI scan and CT scans are used to diagnose both the malignant and benign form of the disease.

- Benign Mesothelioma is treated by surgery alone while malignant mesothelioma is treated by different modes of treatment including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy.-

- The benign form mesothelioma responds very well to treatment with about 90% of treated cases resolving completely with nil re occurrence of symptoms unlike the malignant form which has a very poor rate of recovery with only about 9 - 10 % of cases surviving up to 5 years even after receiving the best treatment.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Friday, December 18, 2009

3 reasons why most asbestosis patients can not get lung transplant option

Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease caused by irreversible scarring of the lungs as a result of inhalation of asbestos fibers. In the latter stages of this disease virtually all of the lung tissue is affected by extensive scarring and the patient can hardly breathe properly even at rest. At this stage lung transplant is sometimes considered as a treatment option there are so many obstacles that prevent most patients from getting this type of treatment. Some of these reasons are:

1- Asbestosis has to be extremely advanced before a lung transplant can even be considered. Treating asbestosis with a lung transplant can't even be considered until the patient has a prognosis of only one to two years left to live. By this time, the scarring of the lungs is extensive and breathing is extremely difficult for the patient, causing serious impairment of function. Because it takes a very long time before asbestosis gets to this stage, most of the patients are usually too old to undergo such an extensive surgery. The age threshold for this type of surgery is usually around 55 years and by the time asbestosis has reached this advanced stage most of the patients would have been older than this.

2-Also, there are very few donors available at any given time for a lung transplant. The difficulty of finding an available donor (an individual with healthy lungs who is brain dead but sustained on life support until harvesting of the lungs) is further complicated by the extremely complex matching process. The donor and recipient must be within the same age bracket and their blood groups must. The donor's lung x-ray must be clear of any defects and the recipient must be sick enough to be on the waiting list while at the same time must be healthy enough to undergo the stress of such an extensive surgery.

3- It is often difficult for patients to get approval from their insurance carriers, who don't usually believe that lung transplant gives a good result in the treatment of asbestos. The operation is a very expensive one and most patients can not afford to pay for it by themselves

If you have asbestosis and a lung transplant is a viable option for you, make sure you get on the donor waiting list immediately. You should also contact an asbestos mesothelioma attorney as the extensive surgery involved in transplanting a lung is expensive and you may be able to claim damages against the company that originally exposed you to the asbestos that caused your condition.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Review of Recent Important Asbestos Mesothelioma Legislation

Asbestos and mesothelioma legislation's have been proposed by government and different pressure groups to protect the rights of victims of asbestos related diseases. Legislation is however a very slow process and most of the time by the time it is completed the potency of such legislation would have been watered down.

Since 1999, there have been a few attempts to update or improve legislation, but all of them have been defeated in Congress after they've been re-written so much they are virtually unrecognizable by the time they are voted on. Some examples include:

-In 1999, the Supreme Court ordered Congress to develop asbestos legislation that would ensure prompt resolution of asbestos mesothelioma lawsuits, so that victims get their deserved compensations before they pass away. This purposed legislation was however frustrated by a barrage of protests from the giants of the asbestos industry, who responded with increasingly strict guidelines for proving adequate exposure to asbestos.

-The "Asbestos Compensation Act" was developed in 2000. This was legislation that proposed a separate Office of Asbestos Compensation within the Department of Justice. Numerous rewrites, adjustments and squabbling over the proposed legislation has however prevented the legislation from getting a single vote for many years. This act would have ensured the participation of the Department of Justice and would have enabled more people to get their compensation.

-In 2004, another asbestos legislation was proposed which would have put a limit on all claims for any asbestos related cases. It strictly limited the amount of compensation to be given and had strict proof guidelines that would burden those who were ill or dying. The main drawback of this legislation was that it proposed the setting up of a Trust Fund for payments. This trust fund would have been contributed to by the asbestos companies themselves and if it were to become insolvent or bankrupt the victims would not be able to sue the asbestos companies again. Thankfully however this legislation never saw the light of day.-

-In 2006 another legislation known as the "Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act" or the FAIR bill was proposed. It proposed set limits with strict guidelines, a standardized litmus test for all cases and a Trust Fund for all those suffering from asbestosis or mesothelioma. It heavily favored asbestos defendants because each company would only be contributing a small percentage of what they would have paid if they were sued by the victims or their families. This legislation has not been passed into law yet.

To date, no asbestos legislation has been successfully passed that would guarantee compensation to all sufferers. The inability to pass such laws has been primarily the result of the efforts to tamper with the individual bills in order to protect the asbestos corporations themselves.

With new proposals going before Congress nearly every year, it is imperative that you seek the services of a highly experienced mesothelioma lawyer to litigate your mesothelioma law suit.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Asbestos exposure-17 practical steps to reduce exposure to asbestos

If you are living in an area where naturally occurring asbestos has been disturbed and the asbestos fibers are likely to become airborne, you should reduce your exposure to asbestos by taking the following steps:

1- You should walk, run, hike, and bike only on paved trails.

2-Play only in outdoor areas with a ground covering such as wood chips, mulch, sand, pea gravel, grass, asphalt, shredded rubber, or rubber mats.

3-Pave over unpaved walkways, driveways, or roadways that may have asbestos-containing rock or soil.

4-Cover asbestos-containing rock or soil in gardens and yards with asbestos-free soil or landscape covering.

5-Pre-wet garden areas before digging or shoveling soil.

6-Do not allow pets to carry or dirt on their fur or feet into the home.

7-Remove shoes before entering your home to prevent tracking in dirt.

8- Put doormat at your door to reduce the amount of soil that might be tracked into your home.

9-Keep windows and doors closed on windy days and during nearby construction.

10-Drive slowly over unpaved roads.

11-Use a wet rag instead of a dry rag or duster to dust.

12-Use a wet mop on non-carpeted floors.

13-Use washable area rugs on your floors and wash them regularly.

`14-Vacuum carpet often using a vacuum with a high-efficiency HEPA filter.

15-Inspect your home for deteriorating asbestos-containing insulation, ceiling or floor tiles.

16-Do not disturb asbestos-containing insulation, ceiling or floor tiles; hire a trained and certified asbestos contractor to remove the materials.

17-Ask your employer if you are working with materials or in an environment containing asbestos. If you are, make sure you are properly protected from asbestos exposure, by wearing protective gear and abiding by all the safety regulations that have been laid down.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Are the 3 Main Cellular Types of Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma cancer affects the mesothelial cells of the lining of the internal organs of the body causing them to be transformed into abnormal cancerous cells. These abnormal, cancerous cells that are formed make up the tumor. There are three main types of abnormal cancerous cells seen in this type of cancer and they have different prognostic features. These three different types of cells are: a}sarcomatoid b}epitheloid c}biphasic

Sarcomatoid cell type

Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is the deadliest cell type of this cancer, it does not respond well to treatment. It accounts for 10-20% of all mesothelioma cases.Microscopically it appears like a spindle shaped cells that are overlapping . The lifespan of patients diagnosed with this type of the cancer typically does not extend beyond 6 months.

Epithelioid cell type

The most common form of this cancer is the Epithelioid mesothelioma. This type has the best prognosis and is the most responsive to therapy.Microscopically this type appears like a papillary or tubular growth. This type accounts for 50-70% of all mesothelioma cases.

Biphasic cell type

Biphasic mesothelioma is a combination of the other two types. It combines the characteristics of both the sarcomatoid and the epitheliod types, it is not as deadly as the sarcomatoid but its prognosis is not as good as the epitheliod type. It accounts for about 20-35% of all mesothelioma cases.

If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with this disease you must try and carry out the necessary tests that will help you to know the cellular type of the cancer that you have so you can have an idea about the likely prognosis and outcome of the disease.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Monday, December 14, 2009

4 Important Steps in the Early Detection of Mesothelioma

Asbestos-related diseases incubate for many decades before they start to show symptoms, and early detection is critical for proper treatment. People who worked in many industries such as construction, shipbuilding, and manufacturing are at high risk of developing these diseases.

The subtle nature of mesothelioma and a wealth of common symptoms makes detection to rest greatly on associating the proper symptoms with the proper diagnosis. Those with previous exposure to asbestos should readily inform the doctor of their past work history, so that the doctors suspicion about mesothelioma will be quickly aroused. Early and constant screenings are paramount for those who have suffered asbestos exposure.

The different steps in screening are:

-Step 1:

The first test a doctor will most likely run will be a thorascopy. The doctor will use an instrument called a thorascope. The instrument is introduced through a small incision made on the chest wall and it is used to visualize the chest cavity, samples of the lung tissue are also taken for biopsy testing in the laboratory. This procedure is done in a hospital under local anesthetic and usually causes little pain.

-Step 2:

This step involves the use of a peritoneoscope , an instrument that looks inside the abdomen and is used to collect tissue samples. It can also be used to check for the presence of accumulation of fluids which can be drained to relieve pressure and pain.

-Step 3:

More advanced tests such as a Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan give a three dimensional X-Ray of the tissue in question. This shows the potentially damaged areas before they manifest symptoms.

-Step 4:

Another option is called a Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan, or MRI. An MRI gives uses high energy magnetic fields to take cross-section pictures of internal structures to distinguish healthy tissues from malignant tissues. These two scans allow doctors to recognize dangers long before the patient feels any symptoms.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why do you need to file a Mesothelioma Lawsiut?

Mesothelioma is one of the most terrible, but very preventable, diseases of the last century. There is substantial evidence that the knowledge of asbestos as been the major risk factor for the development had been known sine the 1920's. The asbestos industry had deliberately hidden these facts from the general public so as to maximize profit to the detriment of the health of their workers. This kind of deadly deceit is both immoral and illegal.

A diagnosis of Mesothelioma is a tragic and extremely emotional experience, and the last thing on a victim's mind is the nightmare of legal logistics. Unfortunately, this is the time when filing a lawsuit is so important, for a successful suit is one of the few ways to ensure financial security for the family, and a rare opportunity to help offset huge medical expenses that pile up during treatment and diagnosis. A successful suit can provide a financial safeguard for you and your family. Don't wait - contact an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer today.

When you are faced with something as devastating as a Mesothelioma diagnosis, you have a right to seek answers about why you weren't forewarned of the dangers of asbestos, and you have the right to seek reparations for you and your family. If you are a grieving family member or executor of the will of a person who has died from asbestos-related disease or mesothelioma, you may be eligible to file a claim as well.

Legal details are understandably the last thing that someone wants to confront after the initial shock of an asbestos-related illness. However, the financial compensation you are entitled to will help provide the much needed funds to fund your medical treatment, paying for the huge medical bills incurred during diagnosis and the compensation will also provide financial security for your family when you are gone.

Proving the link between one's illness and their asbestos exposure is a difficult and time-consuming responsibility. This is why you will need the services of an experienced mesothelioma attorney , you can not do this by your self. A good Mesothelioma attorney understands the unique complexities involved in this kind of lawsuit, including asbestos product identification, specific asbestos-related medical issues, and specific time constraints that narrow the window of opportunity to file a claim. It's important to find the right Mesothelioma lawyer before your state's statutes of limitations expire, leaving you and your family grieving and empty-handed.

Mesothelioma is one of the most disastrous, yet preventable, diseases of the last century. Substantial evidence has emerged proving that the dangers of asbestos exposure - the only known cause of malignant mesothelioma - have been known since as early as the 1920's. The industry has systematically valued profits over human lives by suppressing such information. This kind of deadly deceit is both immoral and illegal.

A diagnosis of Mesothelioma is a tragic and extremely emotional experience, and the last thing on a victim's mind is the nightmare of legal logistics. Unfortunately, this is the time when filing a lawsuit is so important, for a successful suit is one of the few ways to ensure financial security for the family, and a rare opportunity to help offset huge medical expenses that pile up during treatment and diagnosis. A successful suit can provide a financial safeguard for you and your family. Don't wait - contact an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer today.

Bello kamorudeen.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mesothelioma Lawsuits-A simple overview

A diagnosis of any asbestos-related disease is not only emotionally exhausting, but financially draining as well. A Mesothelioma lawsuit is an important way to fund treatment options for victims and to provide necessary financial security for their family's future. Because of the aggressive nature of this cancer, a victim tragically has limited time to spend with loved ones and to prepare for after they are gone.

The first step to take after receiving such a devastating diagnosis is to seek expert medical care and look for strong emotional support network to aid in the uphill fight against the malignancy. Quality healthcare is important in helping to manage both the physical symptoms of the disease and the emotional grief that accompanies a terminal illness.

After locating a source of specialized medical care, you must contact a qualified Mesothelioma attorney who is experienced in the complexities of asbestos-related law and who can help you get your deserved compensation from the negligent companies that are responsible for your exposure to asbestos. A lawyer specializing in Mesothelioma cases will know how to establish and prove a victim's exposure history, which is often essential in pursing a successful lawsuit. Don't let time run out before you fight for what you deserve. Call a lawyer in your state today.

Time is especially critical when dealing with a heartbreaking diagnosis of Mesothelioma or any other asbestos-related disease. Because of the extremely quick progression of the cancer after diagnosis, there is little time to waste before fighting for important reparations that can offset huge medical expenses and provide financial security for the family as well.

Though you would probably not want to deal with legal issues so soon after a traumatic diagnosis or untimely death of a loved one, it is absolutely imperative that you contact an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible. This sense of urgency is not only due to the rapid speed of the malignancy, but also because varying statutes of limitations require that you file a claim within a few years of a Mesothelioma diagnosis.

Most states have time limits for you to successfully file a mesothelioma lawsuit, if you don't file within your states time limit you limit your chances of a successful mesothelioma lawsuit greatly. Missing out on this window of opportunity could be disastrous for families and victims already battling to deal with the shock of the diagnosis.

Bello kamorudeen. http://www.mesothelioma

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mesothelioma Attorney Columbus-Your Best Choice

Mesothelioma Attorney Columbus

Finding a qualified mesothelioma attorney in Columbus is imperative if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. It is important to seek legal representation as soon as your diagnosis has been confirmed as your attorney will need enough time to prepare your case and sort through the medical records and documents.

Mesothelioma is caused by the exposure to asbestos dust and fibers. The fibers cling to the protective membranes of vital organs such as the heart, abdomen, and most commonly, the lungs.

Mesothelioma can lay dormant for up to 20 years. Usually, by the time a proper diagnosis has been given to the victim, they are often given just a few months to live.

A qualified mesothelioma lawyer in Columbus can help you get the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Companies have known of the dangers of mesothelioma since the 1980's, but many did nothing to protect their workers from the dangerous effects of asbestos exposure, they were more concerned about making mega profits. Workers of shipyards, plumbers, construction workers and miners have been found to be the most at risk.

Mesothelioma can be a difficult disease to understand. You and your loved ones are bound to have a lot of questions that need answers. Qualified mesothelioma lawyers in Columbus can help you get the compensation you deserve fro the negligent companies. They have the track record of winning multi million dollars mesothelioma suits for their clients.

Bello kamorudeen.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mesothelioma Treatment Centers-How do they help?

As Mesothelioma is a relatively uncommon disease, there are very few dedicated treatment centers in the US and in other places of the world. This limits the choice of mesothelioma victims in finding centers for specialized and specific help for their condition.

Most major hospitals however have highly specialized general oncology{cancer} departments where mesothelioma victims can get the necessary treatment for their disease.

Cancer treatment centers elicit different emotions in many people. The presence of so many critically ill people searching desperately for a cure can cause fear and depression, while others draw inspiration from the devotion of so many professionals working for a common cause or the courage of terminally ill people fighting their terrible conditions. In reality, these impressions vary greatly from individual to individual depending on their previous experiences

Clearly, the disposition of the person suffering from this deadly disease will greatly affect the opinion they draw from these centers.

Cancer centers usually provide a number of different services. They provide specialized treatment and management for the different types of mesothelioma cancer, they also provide spiritual, emotional, and legal counseling for the patients and their families. Cancer is responsible for a variety of ancillary conditions, and many of the patients need help coping with the side effects of treatment, or require advice on how to plan their estates.

Treating cancer in a medical center often provides the best hope for victims of mesothelioma, but the expense of travel, lodging, and treatment often prohibit many victims from pursuing adequate treatment. To this end, consulting a lawyer about potential action against the negligent parties responsible for your condition can provide the means to seek such treatment. Victims of mesothelioma know time is of the essence, but more so when you consider your state has limits on the amount of time you have to press your claim. Don't risk losing more than you already have. Contact an attorney without delay.

List of some of these centers are:

ALABAMA Birmingham University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center 1824 Sixth Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35294-3300

ALASKA Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Fairbanks, AK

CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Tower Hematology/Oncology 8635 West Third Street, Suite 665W Los Angeles, CA 90048

San Diego Sharp Health Care 10835 Road to the Cure San Diego, CA 92121

COLORADO Denver University of Colorado 4200 East 9th Avenue, B-189 Denver, CO 80262

FLORIDA Miami Oncology Hematology Group of South Florida 8940 North Kendall Drive, Suite 300E Miami, FL 33176

ILLNOIS Chicago University of Chicago Medical Center, Section of Hematology/Oncology 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, MC2115 Chicago, IL 60637-1470

Bello kamorudeen.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How are asbestos related diseases detected early?

If you have been exposed to asbestos before and you are suspecting that you have developed asbestos related disease your doctor may recommend these tests for you:

Chest x-ray

This is the most common test used to detect sustained exposure to asbestos. The x-ray cannot detect the asbestos fibers themselves, but it can detect early signs of lung changes caused by asbestos. The chest x-ray may shows spots on the lungs, these may or may not be asbestos-related. They may be normal variations or related to infections and different types of diseases. Also in the latter stages of lung cancer and mesothelioma, chest x -ray may reveal certain features that are highly suggestive of these diseases.

Lung Function Tests

A lung function test also known as a pulmonary function test (PFT) is a simple breathing test to see how well your lungs are working. In this test, a person blows big breaths into a machine. The results obtained from this test will show how well your lung is functioning and the lung function is usually decreased in asbestos related diseases.

A computerized tomography scan (CT)

This is a type of x-ray machine that usually delivers a higher resolution picture of the lungs than plain x-ray. CT scan gives three dimensional view of the lung and so is able to detect early changes better than x-ray. It is usually recommended when the results of a chest x -ray is inconclusive.

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)

This involves the passage of a small flexible tube inserted through the nose and down the airway. A small amount of saline solution is injected into the tube and then sucked back up. The fluid obtained contains saline plus material from the lung. This fluid is then subjected to various analysis. The results from this test however can be inconclusive and this test is performed only under special circumstances.

Lung biopsy

This involves the taking of samples of lung tissue through a needle while the patient is sedated. This tissue is examined under a microscope. Lung biopsies are rarely performed. Lung biopsies are rarely performed because diagnosis is usually based on findings from the medical evaluation and other tests. A lung biopsy is not usually needed for the diagnosis of most asbestos-related diseases.

Urine and sputum tests Sputum is the material that is brought up from the lungs by coughing. Urine and sputum tests are not reliable for determining how much asbestos may be in the lungs. Nearly everyone has low levels of asbestos in these materials. These tests cannot predict the risk of illness. More research may improve the reliability and predictability of these tests

Bello Kamorudeen.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mesothelioma Settlement-Ford Motor Company ordered to pay $10 million Compensation

On May 29, 2004, a Texas court found Ford Motor Company guilty of negligence and ordered the company to pay the sum of $ 10 million to the family of Carolyn Miller.

The plaintiff from Dearborn, Michigan, died from mesothelioma in the year 2000 at age of 54 years as result of the asbestos she was exposed to when as child she was dusting and washing the work clothes of her father, John Roland, who worked at a Ford plant in Michigan from 1953-1964.

John Roland used to work in the blast furnaces where he was constantly exposed to asbestos fibers which stuck to his work clothes which he took home for his daughter to wash for him after closing everyday. He developed pleural plaques, and asbestosis which is also caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. This lung disease could transform to a full blown mesothelioma cancer later.

After a protracted Legal battle the following compensation was awarded to the Miller family, not as form of punishment to the company but to compensate the Miller Family for all the loss and pain that their unlawful exposure to asbestos caused them:-

-$4.5 million was awarded to the Millers estate

-$500,000 was awarded to John Roland

-$750,000 was awarded to Millers daughter

-$1.5 million to Millers daughter

-$2.75 million to Millers husband Glen

Mesothelioma victims should learn as much as they can about mesothelioma lawsuits so that they will be able to file successful lawsuits to get the compensation they deserve.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What Are The Common Sources Of High levels of Exposure To Asbestos

Almost everyone has been exposed to asbestos at some time in their life. Higher levels of asbestos are more commoner in these places:

1- Near an asbestos mine or factory

2- In a building being torn down or renovated that contains asbestos products In indoor air, the concentration of asbestos depends on whether: a}asbestos was used for insulation, ceiling or floor tiles, or other purposes, and whether these asbestos-containing materials are in good condition or are deteriorated and easily crumbled, b}activities in the house, such as repairs and home improvements have disturbed asbestos-containing materials, or c}asbestos has been brought into the home on shoes, clothes, hair, pet fur or other objects

3- Near a waste site where asbestos is not properly covered up or stored to protect it from wind erosion

4- Near an area containing naturally occurring asbestos that has been disturbed through activities that crush asbestos-containing rock or stir up dust in soils that contain asbestos fibers.

Being exposed to asbestos does not mean you will develop health problems. Other factors come into play to determine whether or not you will actually develop asbestos related disease. The most important of these are:

- For how long and how frequently you were exposed

-How long it has been since your exposure started

-How much you asbestos you were exposed to.

-If you smoke cigarettes (cigarette smoking with asbestos exposure increases your chances of getting lung cancer)

-The size and type of asbestos you were exposed to, the blue asbestos is the most deadly of the different asbestos fibers.

-Whether you have some other pre-existing lung conditions

If you have been exposed significantly to asbestos and you are suspecting that you have developed asbestos related diseases you must see your doctor for thorough clinical examination and appropriate testing.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coping strategies found useful by mesothelioma victims

Mesothelioma is such a disease that affects not only the person diagnosed with the disease, but his or her loved ones, too. The intention to write this article is to offer some resource for patients and their families who are living with this disease. Coping with mesothelioma, unlike other types of cancer, can be significantly difficult. There are few support groups specifically available for mesothelioma. These are quite often informal groups of people who reside in the same area or who occasionally meet each other in doctors' chambers or hospital waiting rooms. There are larger and more organized support groups for cancer sufferers in general but not for mesothelioma sufferers in specific.

Let's see how this support groups operates.

Support Groups The main job of the support groups is to help people, deal with the challenges that they are facing. It is known that over 20% of Americans have participated in some type of self-help group. There are mainly two types of support groups that are available. They are online support groups and community centred support groups. Nowadays in an era of internet the number of online support groups is gradually increasing. It is possible that a support group exists in your community or on-line that can help to provide you the required support.

Support groups may provide several benefits:

"A social platform for getting connected with others who are facing similar situations.

"A platform to know how others have coped with challenges similar to the ones you are facing presently.

"A safe, non-judgmental atmosphere where one can share feelings.

"The reassurance that you are not alone, there are other's too who have either suffered in the past or is undergoing the same presently.

"A platform where you can reliably share information.

"A source of reliable Support from others who understand from personal experience what you are going through

Incidentally there are different types of support groups that are available. This includes groups with strong focus on a particular disease such as mesothelioma, groups of caregivers, and family-centered groups.

Some of the Characteristics of a successful group are as follows:

"A mix of participants from various age groups. "Honesty of purpose "A caring atmosphere "A sense of trust should prevail among members "A good facilitator "Members should abide by the group rules, including confidentiality.

Apart from joining support groups, a patient should be encouraged by his family members to remain relaxed and try to focus on the bright side of the life. A patient should not feel depressed and emotionally drained. The family members or the caregivers should create a healing environment and encourage the patient to think positive. There are lots of inspirational books that tell how people are fighting mesothelioma and other life-threatening diseases. Meditation is another way to keep your mind distracted from morbid thoughts and tension.


Matt West

How do you choose the best Mesothelioma Attorney?

There are hundreds of mesothelioma trial lawyers practicing in the United States today, but they all have different qualifications. There is no actual designation for a mesothelioma attorney or trial lawyer, any lawyer can claim to be specialist in this area and lawyer with a recognized law degree can represent you in court.

However there are lawyers who are well versed in asbestos mesothelioma related lawsuits and who have sufficient experience working on such cases, these lawyers can be referred to as being specialist in the field and you stand the best chance of getting compensated with them.

Choosing the right mesothelioma trial lawyers to represent you should start with an initial interview. Get a feel of the attorney or law firm, the gut feeling you get from meeting them, how attentive they are in listening to the specifics of your mesothelioma case will help you to determine if they are good enough for you.

You should also ask your trial lawyer the following questions at the initial interview:

• How many mesothelioma and asbestosis cases has your firm handled? You want a firm that has lots of resources and plenty of experience. You should also find out if the person you are meeting with will be the attorney that will actually handle your case or will it be passed to another attorney. If it will be passed, request to meet the actual attorney you will be working with.

• Are you recognized by your state Bar Association as a specialist in asbestos lawsuits? You can also contact your local bar association and ask for a list of mesothelioma trial lawyers; they will give you contact information for each attorney.

• What is your success rate at trial? Although not every mesothelioma case goes to trial, it is important to know whether the lawyer you are considering has a winning track record facing the asbestos defense lawyer in court. Most mesothelioma trial lawyers will gladly tell you their track record. You can also ask for documented evidence to be sure of their claims.

• How many mesothelioma asbestos cancer settlements have you handled and what amounts have you been able to secure? About half of all cases never see the inside of a courtroom because both sides agree to settle. Find out what you can expect in terms of a cancer settlement negotiation and how the asbestosis defense attorney or trial lawyer determines "just compensation" when negotiating a mesothelioma cancer settlement. For instance, will they ask for punitive damages in addition to medical bills?

If you ask these questions and are satisfied with the answers, chances that you have chosen the right firm is very high.

Bello Kamorudeen.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

6 Crucial Facts About Lung Cancer

1-Lung cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. It is characterized by the abnormal division and multiplication of cells within the lungs and bronchial tubes causing the accumulation of tumor cells into a cancer.

2- In the United States alone, approximately 10,000 people die from asbestos-related illnesses, and many of these people are victims of lung cancer.

3-There are two basic types of lung cancer - small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, the latter of which represents the large majority of lung cancer cases diagnosed in the United States each year. In patients with lung cancer, the tissue cells of the lungs and associated respiratory organs begin to divide abnormally at an uncontrollable rate. Cancers that develop in the lungs may metastasize to other regions of the body. These growths are composed of cells similar to those of the original tumor and are just as likely to pose a health threat to the afflicted person.

4-The symptoms of lung cancer are many and vary according to individual cases and factors. Some of the more common symptoms of lung cancer include persistent coughing, chest pain, changes in the color, volume, or consistency of sputum, the presence of blood in sputum, weight loss, or decrease in appetite, headaches, and general fatigue. Although these symptoms may indicate the presence of lung cancer, they are not by any means a certain measure of diagnosis.

5-A person experiencing these symptoms must seek a medical analysis for an accurate diagnosis. Imaging tests like chest x-ray, CTscan, MRI, PET scans are used to diagnose the disease. Also tissue tests known as biopsy are also used to confirm the diagnosis.

6- According to experts in the field of asbestos and lung cancer, there are a number of factors that can affect a person's level of risk for developing lung cancer once they have been exposed to asbestos. The amount of asbestos exposure and the quantity of fibers that have collected in the body greatly affect one's risk of developing cancer. It is important to remember that, as with most cancers, lifestyle plays a considerable role in the risk of developing lung cancer after exposure to asbestos. Smokers and other people who have a lung condition (or any illness) prior to exposure are at a greater risk for developing asbestos-related lung cancer, not only because their respiratory system has already been compromised, but also because of the synergistic affect of smoking and asbestos exposure. Many people who are exposed to asbestos develop non-cancerous respiratory illnesses, such as asbestosis, which also increases the risk of developing lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Bello Kamorudeen.