Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mesothelioma Sarcoma

What Is Mesothelioma Sarcoma?

Between the two forms of tumors of the mesothelioma, which are either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), the latter is more common and dangerous, popularly known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is characterized by its dangerous potential to spread to other parts of the body.

Types of Mesothelioma

There are three different types of Mesothelioma:

1) Ephitheliod: It affects the membranous tissue covering the internal organs and surfaces of the body. Though majority of the mesothelioma cases occurring today belong to this type, it has the best prognosis (outlook for survival or treatment).

2) Sarcomatoid: It is also known as mesothelioma sarcoma. It arises from supportive tissues such as bones, muscles, cartilages and fats. About 7% to 20% of mesothelioma cases are of this type.

3) Mixed/Biphasic: 20% to 35% of mesothelioma cases belong to this type. It carries both the features of the above two types.

The treatment options remain the same for all the types.

Physical Aspects of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma arising from the chest cavity are known as pleural mesothelioma and amounts to an approximate three fourths of the total cases. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which starts and spreads in the abdomen, constitutes 10% to 20% mesothelioma cases. Mesothelioma affecting the covering of the testicles, which is in fact an out- pouching of peritoneum into the scrotum, is rather uncommon. Cases of Pericardial Mesothelioma that starts in the cavities of the heart are also very rare.

Mesothelioma and the Masses
New cases of mesothelioma, even though they are less common, amount from 2000 to 3000 every year only in the United States. Most of the patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are from the age group of 50 years and above with majority being the people in the seventies.

This is primarily due to their exposure to asbestos in the 1940s and 1950s or even earlier. Exposure victims of later year’s i.e.1970s and 1980s are yet to be diagnosed. Men are more susceptible than females with male victims constituting 3 to 5 times higher in numbers than females. This is probably because during that period women liberation movements were started, which resulted into barring them from construction works. On the racial parameters, it is more common among the Caucasians than African Americans.

Even though mesothelioma sarcoma cases are rare, they are extremely dangerous. People diagnosed with the disease are mostly in their last and critical stages, making their treatment more difficult in comparison to other forms of cancer. The survival time ranges from one to two years. With unparallel advancements in modern science and medical technology, chances of mesothelioma treatment and recovery have always been increasing.

The good news is that the patients suffering from mesothelioma sarcoma can file lawsuits for seeking compensation against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Screening For Mesothelioma

Doctor appointments are critical to make sure you’re staying in proper health. However, exposure to asbestos presents an added urgency for routine appointments. Because asbestos related diseases take decades to form, early detection is critical for proper treatment. People who have jobs in industries like construction, shipbuilding and manufacturing are particularly susceptible of contracting these conditions.

Even the best doctors in the world mistake early symptoms of asbestos related diseases with lesser conditions. Detection of mesothelioma relies mostly on associating proper symptoms with proper diagnosis because it is so subtle. If you have had exposure to asbestos, then you should alert your doctor of your medical history so they know what tests to look for and what tests to use.

Usually, the first test run by a doctor will use a device called a thorascope. The procedure is called thorascopy and is done by creating a small incision in the chest, and taking a sample of lung tissue to see if it’s cancerous or not. This procedure is performed at a hospital using local anesthesia and will cause a small amount of pain. There will also be a check for an excess amount of fluid which may be drained to ease the pressure and reduce pain.

If these tests are inconclusive, there will be more advanced test performed such as a Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan to give doctors a 3D X-ray of the tissues. This will allow the doctors to analyze the potentially damaged areas. Another option is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging scan). An MRI will take cross-section pictures of internal structures to separate healthy tissues from malignant ones. These two scans will allow doctors to be able and see potential dangers long before the patient feels any symptoms.

Even with the best screening techniques available today mesothelioma often can escape diagnosis. The best thing to do is get screened early and consistently, especially if you had exposure to asbestos. Medical technology has breakthroughs every day and eventually a cure will be found. However, until then, the victims of mesothelioma should take action against those responsible. Contact a lawyer in your state today so you can receive compensation for your suffering.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Is Mesothelioma Treated?

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. However, they may have been been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways. This could include working with asbestos or by home renovation using asbestos cement products or even by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos. The resulting disease is rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs.

Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer.

There are various procedures used for the treatment of mesothelioma. The type of treatment depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health.

A common treatment of the disease is by means of surgery by the removal of part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura, a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed.

Another method is Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy. This involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a machine or from putting materials that produce radiation through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found .

Anticancer drugs can be used to kill cancer cells throughout the body. This is known as chemotherapy and involves the administration of the drugs by injection into a vein (intravenous, or IV). Currently, doctors are also studying the effectiveness of putting chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen.

Because mesothelioma is very hard to control, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is sponsoring clinical trials that are designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Mesothelioma Lawyers Helping The Mesothelioma Victims

Mesothelioma lawyers are legal experts specializing in lawsuits for compensation to mesothelioma victims. Among the many forms of cancer, Mesothelioma is a rare manifestation that attacks the linings of the internal organs. Mesothelioma has a 100% mortality rate and occurs in people exposed to poisonous dust particles emanating from asbestos or related products. Victims of such exposure can hope to be compensated by approaching specialized legal professionals, aptly called mesothelioma lawyers.

Mesothelioma lawyers: A Helping Hand:

Victims of asbestos poisoning can approach mesothelioma lawyers if they want to take legal action against the company or individual responsible for their condition. In fact, many such victims have won lawsuits and financial compensation running into millions of dollars. In some cases, the money recovered has sustained a family for years even after the death of the victim. Mesothelioma lawyers also help to obtain disability benefits and workers compensation for those affected with the disease.

If the exposure to asbestos poisoning was caused by the accused party’s negligence even years ago, a mesothelioma lawyer can still fight for compensation, which might have been denied years ago. Lawyers fighting for asbestos related lawsuits argue the cases as product liability claims under the theories of negligence and strict liability. Generally, a lawsuit is filed against the company, where the victim was employed. Because every affected employee has a unique work history, the attorney must dedicate sufficient time and attention to investigate each case in detail.

Fee Structure of Mesothelioma Lawyers:

Mesothelioma lawyers charge their clients only after the successful completion of a case. This fee plan is called a contingent fee plan wherein a percentage of the compensation received goes to the lawyer as the fee and the lawyers do not charge a fee if the victim does not get a compensation. Normally the lawyers first identify the offending party, and then file the lawsuit in the state where the laws are more pro-employees. This increases the chances of securing a positive verdict. However, in cases of companies are granted immunity under bankruptcy laws, mesothelioma lawyers are there again to assist in arranging out of court settlements.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

How To Get Mesothelioma Cancer Treated, Everything About Mesothelioma

First off, you should understand how mesothelioma attacks the body. The main cause of mesothelioma cancer is certain materials called "Asbestos", these materials have very dangerous effects on the body. Asbestos were used in the past in many manufacturing companies.

The mesothelioma cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers discovered till now, it can attack some places in the body like the pleura, the abdomen and the pericardium. According to the affected area, mesothelioma cancer can be classified to three types, the pericardial mesothelioma that attack the pericardium area, the pleural mesothelioma that attack the pleura area and the peritoneal mesothelioma that attack the peritoneal area.

The main problems with diagnosis process is the very long time for symptoms to appear, they takes about 45 years to appear. After they appear, they will be very similar to other disease that make the diagnosis process more harder.

The main cause of mesothelioma cancer was discovered, they are the asbestos, the asbestos materials are material that was used in the past in some manufacturing fields such as the cement and textile manufacturing fields. Asbestos are the main cause of mesothelioma cancer.

The main types of treatment should be, the surgery method, the chemotherapy method and the radiation method. The surgery method in which the doctor can remove the affected area with the tumors. The chemotherapy option in which the doctor give the mesothelioma patient some powerful chemical drugs that can kill the cancer cells instantly. The radiotherapy is also another treatment option for mesothelioma that can be combined with the other two options.

For mesothelioma litigation and compensation, the mesothelioma victim can make a litigation to have a suitable compensation from the manufacturing company that let him/her to deal with Asbestos. The mesothelioma settlement can reach millions of dollars.

There are other alternative medicine treatment by using some herbal drugs or by the other famous alternative medicine options. Finally, you must consul your doctor that can decide which treatment option should be more suitable that the other.

When the Asbestos enter the body, they settle on the wall of lungs cause inflammations, those inflammations can cause malignant tumors after many years, it takes very long time for mesothelioma symptoms to appear and this is why the diagnosis process for mesothelioma is very hard.

For treatment processes, mesothelioma cancer can be treated by using one of the following options, the first option is the surgery, the second option is the chemotherapy and the last effective option is the radiotherapy. There are many other options but not effective.

In the surgery option the surgeon will likely remove the malignant tumors from the lungs, in some cases, the surgeon may have to remove the whole lung. The surgery option is the most effective option to treat that cancer, whereas the chemotherapy and the radiation therapy are considered to be assistant treatment options.

In the chemotherapy option, certain types of chemicals that can kill cancer cells. As I mentioned before, the chemotherapy option can be used after the surgery as an assistant method to remove any remaining cancer cells. The radiation therapy is the option of using certain types of radiations that have the ability of destroying the cancer cells, this option can also be used after the surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mesothelioma: Treatments For Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma cancer is currently treated through three treatments, depending on the cancer location, the disease stage, and the patient's general health and age. These treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which sometimes are combined to fight the disease in so far as possible.

In a surgery, one of the most common treatments for mesothelioma, the doctor removes part of the lining of the abdomen or the chest and some tissue around it. In a pneumonectomy, the doctor may also remove one lung when the patient has pleural mesothelioma or cancer of the pleura. In other surgical procedure, the doctor may also remove part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing.

Through these procedures, the medical specialist shall try to excise tumourous tissue arising from this cancer disease. As these operations will reduce the patient's respiratory capacity, the surgeon will evaluate the patient's ability to function after a lung tissue removal, before performing a pneumonectomy.

Another method to fight Mesothelioma is chemotherapy or the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. These drugs are given to the patient by an intravenous procedure, an injection into a vein. Currently, experts are studying the effectiveness of intracavitary chemotherapy or the possibility of giving chemotherapy straight to the chest or abdomen.

Radiotherapy or radiation therapy is the use of high-energy rays to destroy malignant cells and shrink tumors. It is important to know that this medical procedure attacks the cancer cells only in the treated area. There are two ways of giving this therapy. One, external radiation, in which the radiation comes from a machine, and other, internal radiation, where the cancer cells are found after putting materials that produce radiation into the affected area.

Doctor's way to relieve patient's pain is to use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the abdominal or chest cavities through a procedure called thoracentesis, when it is from the chest, and paracentesis, when the removal is from the abdomen. The specialists may also give the drugs through a tube in the chest to prevent the accumulation of more liquid


Friday, April 24, 2009

Mesothelioma: Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma Cancer

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma cancer is very difficult in many cases, because its symptoms can be associated with other diseases too. Hence patient's medical history is quite important to know, since if there was an exposure to asbestos from the sick person, the risk factors for developing Mesothelioma are greater.

The doctor will order you a physical examination, including chest and abdomen x-rays, and lung function tests. A computerized tomography (CT) or a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan may be useful, along with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The CT scan allows a computer x-rays machine to create a series of detailed pictures of inner body areas. The MRI allows to obtain detailed images of areas inside the body through a powerful magnet linked to a computer.

The way to confirm a Mesothelioma diagnosis is a biopsy, in which an oncologist or a doctor specialized in diagnosing and treating cancer pathologies takes a sample of tissue from the patient to examine it under a microscope.

The biopsy may be performed in various ways. In a thoracoscopy the name of the biopsy if the cancer is in the chest the doctor makes a small cut through the patient's chest and introduce a tube called thoracoscope to look inside and take tissue samples.

In a peritoneoscopy if the cancer is in the abdomen the doctor makes the same procedure but in the patient's abdominal cavity to obtain tissue for examination.

The stage of the disease is important to know if cancer is metastasized to other parts of the body, and to apply the best treatment for the patient.

The disease will be 'localized' if the cancer is found only on the surface of the membrane, but it will be 'advanced' if it has spread to other parts of the body, such as lungs, abdominal organs, chest wall, lymph nodes.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mesothelioma: Mesothelioma Cancer Main Factors

Mesothelioma cancer can strike anyone, but appears more often in men than in women. It is a disease mainly linked to asbestos and smoke, since most people who have worked on jobs where they breathed in asbestos particles, have developed this pathology.

Experts believe that smoking does not seem to be a directly related risk for developing the disease only by its own, but its combination with asbestos exposure increases the risk of Mesothelioma, so stop smoking if you are exposed to asbestos in your workplace.

According to statistics eight out of ten of all reported cases were exposed to asbestos, however there are cases of people that have not had any exposure to the fibers of this mineral.

Therefore, the main risk factor for developing Mesothelioma can be found in asbestos, a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals which have an special resistance to fire. Asbestos have been exploited for a variety of purposes, such as industrial products, roof shingles and flooring products.

However, some uses of asbestos are banned in many countries, since it is known that the inhalation of some kinds of asbestos fibers can cause various illnesses, including Mesothelioma, lung, larynx and kidney cancer and asbestosis, a chronic lung ailment, but a non cancerous pathology.

Most asbestos fibers are invisible to the unaided human eye and the problem increases because just one asbestos fiber can become the source of hundreds of thinner and smaller fibers over time. As they get smaller and lighter, they become more mobile and more easily to be driven and carried by the air.

That is why people who work in asbestos mines and mills or producing asbestos products must wear personal protective equipment to lower their risk of exposure, according to acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States.

In order to reduce your chance of getting ill with some of the asbestos-related diseases if you are a asbestos worker, is not only to wear the proper clothes and equipment, but also take a shower and change your clothing before leaving the workplace to diminish the possibility of dust brought home on your clothing or hair.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Asbestos Lawyers Can Help You

Each year, hundreds of people are diagnosed with Mesothelioma. This condition is a deadly condition that could have been prevented. If you or someone you know has it, contacting an asbestos lawyer is in your favor. There are many laws that prohibit the use of and handling of asbestos materials. Unfortunately, this disease is one of the most deadly. It only makes sense to punish those who put you in this situation in the first place. Asbestos lawyers can do just that for you.

Mesothelioma is a disease that is contracted when individuals are exposed to asbestos materials. These materials were used in many of the homes and buildings constructed only a few decades ago. The materials have been banned from use years ago. What makes Mesothelioma so deadly is the fact that it hides within the body for years, decades even. As it slowly worsens, symptoms become apparent. But, when these symptoms begin to show and medical treatment is sought, it is often too late to treat and death is really around the corner.

For those individuals who have been exposed to asbestos materials within their lifetimes, it is important to insure that your doctor knows about it and can monitor you for any symptoms.

Asbestos lawyers can help you get your medical bills paid, help you get your affairs in order, and help you punish the individuals who have allowed this to happen to you in the first place. Asbestos lawyers will listen to your individual case and help you determine the right course of action to take. They are willing to help you fix what has been taken from your life. You can find asbestos lawyers throughout the internet and in your local neighborhoods.

It is important for all individuals who think that they have been exposed to asbestos to contact their doctors immediately. There is simply no time to wait. And, once your doctor confirms your condition, whether you have full blown Mesothelioma or not, contact an asbestos lawyer right away.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mesothelioma Attorneys San Diego

Mesothelioma attorneys san diego has been recently added as one of the malignant tumors family. The beginnings of the disease were asbestos in some sectors, including mining of asbestos. In addition, there were shipyards, factories, construction companies and insulation, where workers accidentally expose to asbestos fiber,dust on their way in the various organs of the body through breathing. Again in the human body exposed to dust asbestos to remain for decades to reveal its presence in the type of symptom. This symptom puzzled Mesothelioma attorneys san diego because they are associated with illnesses such as pneumonia widespread. Obviously, the treatment was not available and symptoms of treatment prescribed. As a result of the disease are the real authors, or asbestos dust in asbestos factories in the base of the community according to their legal responsibilities in respect of their victims.

Given that the real figure of victims isn't huge, the issue is not the case considerably. As such supplying the Mesothelioma attorneys san diego that is specialize in mesothelioma cases.

Reference: Mesothelioma Attorneys San Diego

If you're one of the victims of mesothelioma should be an effort to obtain the right to complain. Mesothelioma attorneys san diego specializing in compensation cases of mesothelioma are not easy in every corner and every corner of cities and municipalities. Your best bet is to find co-workers or people who have suffered asbestos at work, which can also claim compensation. Their experience on the ability to counsel and quality of services may be useful.

You can make research online, visiting websites, forums, social organizations, jurists and Mesothelioma attorneys san diego who work entirely with the cause for people with mesothelioma. Write or speak to them as it will be very useful and can provide many false steps in a method of trial and error and mistake.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Experienced Mesothelioma Cancer Lawyer.

Do you fall into the unfortunate category of employees who suffered asbestos exposure at work and have been given the diagnosis of mesothelioma? You can contact a Lawyer specializing in mesothelioma cancer cases to inform you of your rights and get you the settlement you deserve. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer of the lungs that comes from asbestos, it can kill those who suffer from it and break the hearts of the family. If you're being faced with medical bills, emotional issues, and burning anger at a company that allowed this to happen to you, you aren't alone. Many workers are seeking financial support they are entitled to because of what happened to them.

Some law firms specialize in nothing but california mesothelioma Lawyer. They have all of the legal know-how you'll need in order to get the medical and emotional support necessary to get you through this devastating time. Their chosen responsibility is to ensure that you get all of the medical, legal and financial assistance you and your family need for a secure future. Lawyers have the knowledge and skill that it takes to show the courts that your condition was caused by your work environment. An excellent Mesothelioma Lawyer will be able to help you prove the important criteria necessary for restitution.

The health problems you are experiencing are not your fault. Chances are that even if you knew there was asbetos present in your work environment, you were unaware of the heath dangers it presented. If you get a specialized Mesothelioma cancer Lawyer, though, one of the first things he's going to tell you is that your employer was well aware of the risk their employees were taking.

Evidence pointing towards asbestos exposure as a hazard to employees was clear way back in the 1920s. During the '30s and '40s, scientific links were developed between asbestos and cancer. Asbestos-using manufacturers were warned about the dangers to employees of using the material, and were urged to change to a safer material.

It's hard to believe in a country that prides itself on the value it places on human life, but executives in these companies made the decision to keep using asbestos, because it meant bigger profits and more money in their pockets. The wellbeing of its employees was second priority at that company which is seen as unethical in a court. They also withheld the information they had concerning the asbestos-cancer link from their employees who continued innocently working in dangerous environments. The bad decisions by heartless employees are now the blame for the employees who contracted and suffer from Mesothemioma If those involved had acted in a responsible manner, the outcome could have been different.

What the company you worked for has done to you is nothing short of criminal, and the legal system recognizes this fact. To go after your legal rights and the restitution you deserve, you're going to need a Mesothelioma cancer Lawyer who has the expertise to prove your claim. Payment of medical bills that aren't covered by insurance, help in meeting funeral expenses, and emotional support for family members and some of the benefits you are entitled to include financial assistance to make up for lost wages. He can do a lot of things to make what you're going through easier for you, including providing your family with the financial security it needs,although your Lawyer won't be able to get your health back for you.

Reference: Luke Schultz asbestos lawyer mesothelioma

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hiring A Mesothelioma Lawyer

A mesothelioma lawyer can help you in the lawsuit filed for the compensation claimed for the asbestos-related disease developed through exposure to asbestos.

Every year, thousands of people die or become ill due to the asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases is mainly caused by asbestos exposure.

It is because of unethical actions that asbestos manufacturers are held liable for the sufferings of those living with asbestos-related disease.

There are laws that protect those who have been harmed by exposure to asbestos-related products. These victims of mesothelioma can file claims against the corporation responsible for your asbestos exposure. And ask for compensation for the costs, the pain and suffering, associated with asbestos-induced illness.

The expenses which they can pursue for compensation which includes lost of wages, medical bills, couselling fees and funeral expenses.

A capable mesothelioma lawyer can fight for more expenses that could be covered under the lawsuit, as each case varies. So make sure to save all medical and financial records relating to your asbestos-induced diseases.

All the details of filing a lawsuit and attending trial are handled by the mesothelioma lawyers, as their clients are too ill and concerned with spending time with their families

There are two types of lawsuits for mesothelioma cas: wrongful death suit and personal injury claim. The former is when a family member has passed away from an asbestos-induced disease. As for the latter, the individual affected with an asbestos-related illness must be the one to file suit.

Most asbestos-related cases are between employers and employees. But there are cases where the employees' family members or spouses are also suffering from asbestos cancer because the asbestos fibers are brought back by employees via their clothing and hair.

One important thing is one has to file the case as soon as possible. It is because of the statute of limitation laws(SOL). An SOL or statute of limitation is the government's way of making sure that old cases don't flood the courts. Most states vary in the time limits that range from one to three years for the mesothelioma cases. So act fast, or you may not get your asbestos settlement.

As soon as the diagnosis has been confirmed, the mesothelioma victims should seek legal advice and assistance immdiately to ensure the chances for the best compensation.

In order to get the best possible claim for your case, make sure one tries it in the right jurisdiction. If you engage an experienced mesothelioma lawyer, he or she should know the best place to try your case in order to get the highest amount possible.

Reference: Doug Lester

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mesothelioma: Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma Cancer

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma cancer is very difficult in many cases, because its symptoms can be associated with other diseases too. Hence patient's medical history is quite important to know, since if there was an exposure to asbestos from the sick person, the risk factors for developing Mesothelioma are greater.

The doctor will order you a physical examination, including chest and abdomen x-rays, and lung function tests. A computerized tomography (CT) or a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan may be useful, along with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The CT scan allows a computer x-rays machine to create a series of detailed pictures of inner body areas. The MRI allows to obtain detailed images of areas inside the body through a powerful magnet linked to a computer.

The way to confirm a Mesothelioma diagnosis is a biopsy, in which an oncologist or a doctor specialized in diagnosing and treating cancer pathologies takes a sample of tissue from the patient to examine it under a microscope.

The biopsy may be performed in various ways. In a thoracoscopy the name of the biopsy if the cancer is in the chest the doctor makes a small cut through the patient's chest and introduce a tube called thoracoscope to look inside and take tissue samples.

In a peritoneoscopy if the cancer is in the abdomen the doctor makes the same procedure but in the patient's abdominal cavity to obtain tissue for examination.

The stage of the disease is important to know if cancer is metastasized to other parts of the body, and to apply the best treatment for the patient.

The disease will be 'localized' if the cancer is found only on the surface of the membrane, but it will be 'advanced' if it has spread to other parts of the body, such as lungs, abdominal organs, chest wall, lymph nodes.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Mesothelioma Doctors: The Last Ray Of Hope

Are you aware of the recent death rate caused by Mesothelioma? It is somewhat around 3000 Americans every year. The WTC attack has completely replaced the past records of the Mesothelioma cases. The prognosis places that Mesothelioma will become a common disease within a decade's time and the death graph will take a steep rise. The ratio between men and women has been calculated and deciphered to be around 3:1 and anyone can become victim of this disease.

Shock all around

With the spread of this news the Mesothelioma cancer has as if crossed all borders. Earlier as it was considered that only the workers of the construction industries would suffer from this disease because they were the ones to work directly with asbestos but at present no such limitation can be drawn.

Delay not to see a doctor

If there are symptoms like acute chest pain, continuous fever with loss of weight, also the fall of appetite and short of breath, you must rush to a doctor. Well it can be influenza or any such common disease but it can also be the premonition for Mesothelioma cancer.

If you visit to a general physician and through his/her diagnosis feel better and normal within a few days then it is okay. But the same symptoms after a short interval of time clearly indicate that you are suffering from something dangerous.

You must immediately visit to a specialist. It is better to see a cancer specialist or specifically a Mesothelioma specialist. It is an age long problem that the Mesothelioma cases are not properly diagnosed in the initial stage and that is why most of the patients cannot be cured. You can look at the same thing from another angle that the Mesothelioma patients don't go to the right doctor at the preliminary stage and worsen the situation.

Importance of biopsy

To confirm that you are suffering from Mesothelioma cancer, biopsy is must. Without this specific test even the doctors cannot make out that where exactly the cancerous cells have developed. If the detection is done at an early stage with the help of radiation therapy, the patient can be healed to a great extent. Modern treatment mechanisms like immunotherapy and gene therapy are also being applied to large number of Mesothelioma patients nowadays. Conventional chemotherapy treatment and surgical treatments are also finding new dimensions and better treatment procedures are being researched.

Reference: John Porter, Mesothelioma, asbestos

The Facts About Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare form of mesothelioma that accounts for approximately 20% of all mesothelioma cases. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the tissue lining the abdomen which is called the peritoneum hence the name of this form of the cancer. The peritoneum protects the contents of the abdomen and is therefore very important.

Currently, only one cause of peritoneal mesothelioma is known and this is exposure to asbestos dust and fibres. Only a couple of months of exposure to asbestos without sufficient protection can lead to peritoneal mesothelioma thirty to fifty years later. Those suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma are mostly elderly men who worked amongst asbestos decades ago when workers were not protected from asbestos dust. Many of these men are currently lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the companies who exposed them to asbestos. Asbestos fibres can get into the peritoneum in two different ways. The most common way they reach the peritoneum is by them getting trapped in the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (inside the lungs) by mucus and end up being swallowed. From here they can pass through the intestine wall into the peritoneum. The second way in which asbestos fibres can reach the peritoneum is by them lodging inside the lungs. They then move into the lymphatic system and get transported to the peritoneum. Constant exposure to asbestos leads to a great number of fibres being built up in the peritoneum.

The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are generally only felt when the cancer has developed greatly. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weight loss, abdominal pains and loss of appetite. As the cancer matures, the symptoms will become more pronounced and severe.

There are several treatments for peritoneal mesothelioma although all of them have a poor success rate. The likelihood of a patient surviving depends on how early and aggressively the cancer is treated. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are the most commonly used methods of treatment. Research into the treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma is being conducted in research stations in the United States and by many pharmaceutical companies.

Reference: :

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Peritoneal Mesothelioma – The Cancer Of Abdominal Lining

One of the fatal types of mesothelioma is Peritoneal Mesothelioma in which the cancerous cells attack the lining of the abdomen called Peritoneum. Peritoneum is the thin membrane, which shields various organs of the abdomen and also provides a lubricating fluid to enable the organs to move and work properly. Peritoneal Mesothelioma, which affects this lining, is yet now a relatively rare disease that accounts for about 1/5 of all mesotheliomas. Its only known cause in the U.S. till date is previous exposure to asbestos.

Major symptoms

Though Mesothelioma is neither age nor sex specific, peritoneal Mesothelioma is mostly seen in men who are in the age group of 50-70 years. There are a number of symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma most of which start appearing after 20, 30 or 50 years after the exposure to asbestos. These symptoms may include weight loss (however, waist line may increase), pain or swelling in the abdomen, weakness, loss of appetite, bowel obstruction, anemia, nausea and fever. Also, fluid often accumulates in the peritoneal space leading to a condition called Ascites.

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma

The initial step towards detection of peritoneal mesothelioma includes X-rays and CT scans. For confirmed diagnosis, however the doctor needs to do biopsy whereby a piece of tissue is cut from the affected part of the victim’s body and is placed under microscope for examination. If the disease is detected at an early stage it stands better chance of getting cured than the state of diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma, where the cancer has already spread to various parts.

The cure

It’s true that peritoneal mesothelioma is fatal and leads to several deaths every year. However, with continued researches, several modes of treatments have been embarked upon and in the future there is a fair chance of the disease becoming absolutely curable. The types of treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In surgery a part of the abdominal tissue is cut out to remove the tumor. At times the doctor may also need to remove a lung or a portion of the diaphragm as per the requirement of the surgery. Radiation therapy, the second method, requires the application of high energy X-rays to shrink the tumor and kill the malignant cells. The rays may be applied from an external machine or by placing the radiation source directly to the affected part of the body, by means of plastic tubes. Last treatment type is the chemotherapy whereby a combination of drugs is applied to kill the cancer cells. The drugs may be administered by mouth in the capsule form or may be applied intravenously via needle.

However, it is essential to mention that cost of treating any form of cancer is extravagant and you may consult a mesothelioma lawyer to earn you a handsome compensation from the authority who was responsible for your prior exposure to asbestos.

So learn more about peritoneal mesothelioma so that you can initiate the treatment at the very early stage and get cured.


What Is Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a tumor of the membrane Peritoneum. The peritoneum is a thin membrane in the organs in the abdomen consisting of mesothelial cells.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is associated to coming about from having previous exposure to asbestos, and in many cases is found through routine abdominal xrays and CT scans showing something different than normal.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma can stay dormant in your body for many years, before it will be seen, and for this reason many people years after they have been exposed to asbestos will be diagnosed with Peritoneal Mesothelioma. About 20% of all mesotheliomas are Peritoneal Mesothelioma, and they can be of two types: malignant and benign.

What are the Symptons of Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

- abdominal pains

- weakness

- weight loss

- loss of appetite

- nausea

- abdominal swelling

The symptoms become more severe over time and should be checked out by a doctor. If they do not, they will cause increasing pressure on your abdomen organs, causing much discomfort, and will lead to bowel obstruction and distention.

How is peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosed?

A peritoneoscopy is performed, and if there is a reason to be concerned, a biopsy is performed. A biopsy is the process of taking a piece of tissue to be given to a pathologist for analysis. The pathologist uses a microscope to analyse the tissue and make the actual diagnosis.

Currently, it is still unknown why Asbestos causes the mesothelial cells to be cancerous, and it is unsure how many fibers are needed for the tumor to occur. Many treatments exist for peritoneal mesothelioma, however a cure has yet to be found.

What are some of the treatments available for Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

- chemotherapy

- radiation therapy

- surgery.

If you are feeling any of the symptoms noted above, ensure you have it checked out early. The earlier the diagnosis of Peritoneal Mesothelioma, the better chance the treatments will be effective.


Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a tumor of the membrane Peritoneum. The peritoneum is a thin membrane in the organs in the abdomen consisting of mesothelial cells.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is associated to coming about from having previous exposure to asbestos, and in many cases is found through routine abdominal xrays and CT scans showing something different than normal.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma can stay dormant in your body for many years, before it will be seen, and for this reason many people years after they have been exposed to asbestos will be diagnosed with Peritoneal Mesothelioma. About 20% of all mesotheliomas are Peritoneal Mesothelioma, and they can be of two types: malignant and benign.

What are the Symptons of Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

- abdominal pains
- weakness
- weight loss
- loss of appetite
- nausea
- abdominal swelling

The symptoms become more severe over time and should be checked out by a doctor. If they do not, they will cause increasing pressure on your abdomen organs, causing much discomfort, and will lead to bowel obstruction and distention.

How is peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosed?

A peritoneoscopy is performed, and if there is a reason to be concerned, a biopsy is performed. A biopsy is the process of taking a piece of tissue to be given to a pathologist for analysis. The pathologist uses a microscope to analyse the tissue and make the actual diagnosis.

Currently, it is still unknown why Asbestos causes the mesothelial cells to be cancerous, and it is unsure how many fibers are needed for the tumor to occur. Many treatments exist for peritoneal mesothelioma, however a cure has yet to be found.

What are some of the treatments available for Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

- chemotherapy
- radiation therapy
- surgery.

If you are feeling any of the symptoms noted above, ensure you have it checked out early. The earlier the diagnosis of Peritoneal Mesothelioma, the better chance the treatments will be effective.

Reference: Michael Kralj

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Asbestos has been used commonly in a variety of building construction materials for insulation and as a fire-retardant. There are three types of asbestos: chrysotile (which is white or greenish in color), crocidolite (which is blue in color), and amosite (which is a gray-green color). These minerals are made up of fibrous bundles which makes asbestos very strong. Pound for pound, asbestos is stronger than steel. It has been used not just for decades but for centuries, and has been used for a variety of purposes and in many different applications. It became very popular over the years because of its cost effectiveness, its versatility, and its remarkable fire and heat resistant properties
. Asbestos is still used in transportation in brake linings on airplanes, large trucks, and tractors. It is mined just like any other mineral. Asbestos removal is an expensive and serious undertaking. Improper removal methods can create more of a risk than existed before removal. Asbestos removal is a primary concern in public buildings, such as schools, and in buildings that are going to be demolished. Removal is a very costly operation which must be conducted by highly specialized contractors and workers. Hasty elimination of asbestos insulation considerably increases the probability that controls will not be adequately enforced, thus allowing excessive airborne asbestos dust and presenting a high risk not only for the workers, but for building occupants as well. With the many health risks associated with asbestos, it is best left to a professional for removal.
Prolonged exposure to airborne asbestos fibers increases the risk of several diseases such as mesothelioma cancer, asbestosis, pleural disease, lung cancer and other cancers and tumors. Mesothelioma is a rare but severe form of cancer that is found in the pleura, the peritoneum or the pericardium. The pleura is the lining of the chest and lungs, the peritoneum is the lining of the abdomen and the pericardium is the space around the heart. There are three types of mesothelioma that are pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma cancer of the pleura), peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma cancer of the peritoneum) and pericardial mesothelioma (mesothelioma cancer of the pericardium).
Mesothelioma takes a long time to develop after the individual is exposed to airborne asbestos fibers. Because of this people that suffer from mesothelioma are usually over 55 years of age. Unfortunately current treatments are not so effective in curing the disease and the average survival rate is quite low. Further more mesothelioma is usually detected when it has already well advanced.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some Truths About Asbestos Lung Mesothelioma

Some Truths About Asbestos Lung Mesothelioma
By: Peter Nisbet

There are various types of mesothelioma but asbestos lung mesothelioma is an asbestos-induced cancer of the mesothelium of the lung, more familiarly known as the pleura, which is the external lining of the lung.

Many of the major organs of the body have a mesothelium, that of the heart being called the pericardium and of the heart the peritoneum. However, it is with the pleura that we are concerned here, and the symptoms of asbestos lung mesothelioma are what you would expect: coughing, discomfort in the chest cavity and eventual pain.

Before we come to possible treatments and palliative care, lets have a look at what causes it and why we are still seeing new cases today after asbestos was banned for construction use in the 1970s.

Asbestos comes in several forms, the most dangerous thought to be crocidolite, commonly known as blue asbestos. This form of asbestos is in a highly fibrous form, and it is the inhalation and ingestion of these fibers that cause the problem. They tend to remain in the body for a considerable period of time and it can take up to 40 45 years before the symptoms of mesothelioma begin to appear, though some people contract it in their 30s.

To complicate the situation, it is not only asbestos that causes the symptoms, but any fibrous silicate, which it is why some compensation cases are not as cut and dry as they could be. To add to this complication, smoking adds to the possibility of cancer and it is argued that many patients would not have contracted mesothelioma had they not smoked.

This is not only an argument made by solicitors in court, but has been established by statistics. It is pretty certain that smokers have a greater tendency of contracting asbestos lung mesothelioma than non-smokers, since attorneys for the employers have used this as a reason for having the otherwise high compensation significantly reduced.

There is a popular misconception that mesothelioma is caused by asbestos, but it is just a misconception. Lung cancer is mesothelioma, and in the USA 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by smoking. That is an indisputable fact. In order to prove the intervention of asbestos in a case, therefore, not only would the patients have to prove that they had worked with asbestos, but also not to have smoked. Had they smoked, then the award could be greatly reduced.

The term asbestos lung mesothelioma is therefore a correct one because that form of the disease to which we are referring is caused by asbestos, and not smoking, is of the pleura of the lung and not of the pericardium or peritoneum, and is mesothelioma.

Its treatment is largely palliative, or intended to ease suffering, because the prognosis is fairly grim. Only about 20% of cases live to 5 years after diagnosis, with most surviving only one year, though much depends on how far the condition had developed by the time it was diagnosed. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are used, but not successfully, and various degrees of surgery are also used. Removal of the affected lung, pericardium and half the diaphragm is the most major of these, and even that only extends life to a maximum of around five years from diagnosis.

There are new treatments being tested, but all treatment is expensive, and a good attorney is likely necessary to secure the compensation to pay for these. Ultimately hospice care will be required and again compensation money should be kept back for this. Ultimately, in spite of all the treatment given, it is palliative care that will make the last days of the patient bearable, as will the help and support of the family, and this is what compensation can fund.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms and Misdiagnosis

Pericardial mesothelioma is a mesothelioma cancer that starts perilously close to the heart. Misdiagnosis is common, and treatment options are slim. The tumor can be benign, allowing for easier removal, or malignant - fast spreading and deadly. There are many cancers and diseases that affect the pericardial space around the heart, and pericardial mesothelioma is one of the rarest. However, it is the most common primary malignant pericardial tumor. It can also be secondary to malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Five to ten percent of all mesothelioma cases are pericardial mesothelioma, and the failure to diagnose pericardial mesothelioma early enough contributes to its low life expectancy from a few months to less than two years. The failure to detect the disease can also contribute to its statistical status. Early detection of pericardial mesothelioma provides a faint hope for prolonged survival, but only in the rarest and perhaps most medically advanced of mesothelioma cases is this possible.

Exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of pericardial mesothelioma and other mesotheliomas, such as the abdominal peritoneal mesothelioma, and the more common pleural mesothelioma of the lungs. The lungs, the abdomen and the heart are surrounded by a membrane. The cancer tumors of mesothelioma attack these membranes that are made out of mesothelium cells. If you can visualize your heart hanging within a sac, you can visual the membrane that is the subject of pericardial mesothelioma.

Pericardial mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma all involve the fluid that is retained with the membrane. This fluid is necessary for proper functioning of the heart, lungs and other vital bodily systems. Excess fluid interferes, and even halts normal organ functions. The excess fluid is what is responsible for many of the mesothelioma symptoms of pain.

Chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, and severe sweating at night have all been recorded as symptoms of malignant pericardial mesothelioma. These are more likely to be symptomatic of a non-cancer pericardial disease such as an inflammation of the pericardium - which is called pericardiocentesis and has identical symptoms. There have been cases where a misdiagnosis of lupus and even tuberculosis turned up as being malignant pericardial mesothelioma. Secondary cancers from lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma and leukemia can also attack the pericardium. Malignant mesothelioma in the pericardial region is often not discovered until surgery.

To further complicate matters, a CT scan can be interpreted as fluid, rather than the malignant tumor it is. This happened in 1979 with a 17 year old boy. Computed tomography has fortunately made significant advances since 1979, but CTs, MRIs and PETs must be done quickly. Poor detection and recognition still exist, and a second and third opinion should always be pursued. A patient should persist to find the source of pain and mesothelioma symptoms whenever a physician suggests an unknown etymology.

Pericardial mesothelioma treatment is in its infancy. Research continues in the areas of combination chemotherapies to reduce mass, intracavitary chemotherapy and irradiation, vaccines, molecular therapy and other mesothelioma treatment and preventative measures. As mesothelioma cases increase, so will effective mesothelioma treatments. It may be a long time before a cure for pericardial mesothelioma and other mesotheliomas are discovered. For now, advocacy work to ban asbestos use world wide is one of the best preventative medicines for the future that even a non-scientist can pursue.

Pericardial mesothelioma is often underdiagnosed in traditional tests and not found until heart surgery. The pain of pericardial mesothelioma and other malignant mesothelioma cancers can be quite severe. If a patient has pericardial mesothelioma with severe pain, the chances of survival and mesothelioma life expectancy is under two years. In 2004 a pericardiectomy was performed on a 19 year old boy and he died soon after surgery. A case study on a 54 year old man reported in the 2008 publication of the Annals of Thoracic Cardiovacular Surgery concluded that pain been shown to be reduced with resectioning the tumor and a pericardiectomy, which removes the pericardium, or a section of the pericardium.

Pericardiectomies are used more frequently to reduce constriction. However this barely touches the surface of the disease. The surgery is risky, but as knowledge of the cancer increases, so does the effectiveness of surgery. The earlier the pericardial mesothelioma tumor is found, the less risky the surgery. Pericardial mesothelioma does not respond to radiotherapy. Chemotherapy is used to reduce the cancerous mass.

Reference: mesothelioma information, such as mesothelioma symptoms, mesothelioma treatments and mesothelioma stages.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mesothelioma Symptoms and Tests for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma symptoms are progressively slow and take years to surface. Early medical testing to confirm the etymology of mesothelioma symptoms can add years on to your life, and can even offer you salvation from a normally fatal disease. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos and are experiencing mesothelioma symptoms, notify your doctor of any asbestos exposure and monitor your symptoms from their onset. Even short term asbestos exposure can result in non-fatal pleural diseases. Keeping a journal of your mesothelioma symptoms can assist you and your physician in medical diagnosis, and it may contribute to an asbestos claim.

The symptoms of mesothelioma will differ based on their origin. Pleural mesothelioma starts in the lung area, peritoneal mesothelioma starts in the abdomen area, and pericardial mesothelioma starts dangerously close to the heart. Benign and malignant mesothelioma have similar symptoms, and similar tests. Weight loss is a well-documented symptom in the majority of mesothelioma cases. Abdominal pain is a primary symptom of peritoneal mesothelioma. Both pleural mesothelioma symptoms and peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms include chest pain and shortness of breath.

Pleural mesothelioma medical tests look at the pleural lining, lung fluid, inflammatory conditions, tissue, blood counts and cells to help determine what type of pleural activity is going on inside your lungs. The tests will help diagnose whether your mesothelioma symptoms might be due to pleural effusion, diffuse pleural thickening, asbestosis or other asbestos caused diseases that aren’t necessarily as dangerous as pleural mesothelioma, but can be due to their respiratory nature.

A CT scan will identify pleural thickening better than a chest X-ray. MRI and PET scans can then determine whether the pleural disease is diffuse pleural thickening or if it is malignant pleural mesothelioma. Blood tests can also give an indication of the possibility of cancer. Once cancer is the suspected cause of your mesothelioma symptoms, a biopsy will take place. Thoracentesis removes pleural fluid for diagnosis. Thoracoscopy uses a “camera” (endoscope) inserted into the chest for diagnose and a sample of tissue is taken at that time. Pleural mesothelioma starts in the pleural region, but it will progress to attach other major body organs, such as the heart or abdominal area.

Abdominal pain and bowel restrictions are common peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms. If peritoneal mesothelioma is suspected after the traditional CT, MRI and PET scans, a peritoneoscopy or paracentesis is likely. Peritoneoscopy is done in the hospital with a camera-like instrument called a peritoneoscope. Peritoneal mesothelioma has also been incidentally discovered while performing similar procedures involving infertility examinations on women. A fluid sample is obtained in a process called paracentesis. This involves a needle going into your abdomen to get a sample of the fluid.

Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms always involve severe chest pain. This is a cancer invading the sac over the heart. The pericardial mesothelioma patient may even experience heart failure. Blood tests, CT scans, MRIs and PETs are just the beginning of pericardial mesothelioma medical tests. There will be pulmonary tests and potentially dangerous biopsies. Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed. The cancer is very rare, and many well-known diseases display the same symptoms as pericardial mesothelioma. It is often during surgery that pericardial mesothelioma is discovered, and then it is usually too late.

Mesothelioma symptoms can be suggestive of many cancers or diseases. Medical testing for mesothelioma symptoms requires a long battery of tests to discover symptom origins. Medical tests for mesothelioma symptoms can expedite mesothelioma treatment. Symptoms take decades to surface. Start recording your mesothelioma symptoms and start your tests early. It’s better to test for mesothelioma symptoms early, before it’s too late.

Reference: mesothelioma information, such as mesothelioma symptoms, mesothelioma treatments and mesothelioma stages.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mesothelioma Mesomark Blood Test

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the MESOMARK assay to help monitor response to treatment in malignant mesothelioma patients. The MESOMARK test signifies the beginning of a new era in monitoring mesothelioma malignancies," said Dr. W. Jeffrey Allard, vice president and chief scientific officer of Fujirebio Diagnostics. "As the first in-vitro test for patients with this aggressive disease, it will enable doctors to more accurately detect recurrence and monitor treatment of patients."

The MESOMARK Assay test kit was developed to measure levels of a biomarker, mesothelin, in serum. Biomarkers are substances found in higher-than-normal concentrations in the blood, urine or body tissues of patients with certain types of cancers. The test may be used to monitor patients confirmed as having mesothelioma, for recurrence in patients following surgery, or for measuring response to therapies.

"Current diagnostic tests are less than ideal for quantification of changes in tumor volume, which is key to managing the disease," continued Allard. "As the MESOMARK results correlate with tumor volume*, it provides a much needed tool for monitoring patient status. It is our plan to collect additional data in the future to support the use of the test to detect mesothelioma."

MESOMARK test are now making it possible - with a simple blood test -to monitor response to treatment and to detect recurrence following treatment. This provides an important head start to patients racing against this aggressive cancer. "The Meso Foundation is the national research funding, patient support and advocacy organization dedicated to eradicating mesothelioma as a life-threatening disease.

Those wishing to take part in MESOMARK testing will be asked to provide one or more samples of blood. The blood samples will then be sent to a national reference laboratory for testing. In conjunction with other clinical and laboratory data obtained by your doctor, decisions regarding your treatment and care may be simplified. You may discontinue testing at any time.

Diagnisis Mesothelioma

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mesothelioma Lawyers In High Demand

Mesothelioma is a rare, deadly cancer that strikes nearly 3,000 people in the United States every year. The average life expectancy of a person suffering from mesothelioma is a mere six months from diagnosis. Most victims are men over the age of forty who have worked with asbestos or in buildings where asbestos was present.

Because mesothelioma is caused by direct exposure to asbestos or asbestos dust, and nearly 30 million tons of asbestos was used in buildings of every description until the mid 1970's, it has kept Mesothelioma lawyers in high demand, as they pursue Mesothelioma settlements for the victims and their families. If your home was built prior to the mid 1970's it should be inspected for asbestos. Asbestos was used in insulation, to include boiler and pipe insulation, fireproofing spray; firebrick, gunite and many construction materials, such as roof, floor and ceiling tiles.

Mesothelioma can develop up to 50 years after direct or indirect exposure to asbestos. Early symptoms can include shortness of breath, pain in the lower back or in the sides of your chest. Unfortunately, these symptoms are common to many types of illness, and diagnosis is often delayed because of this. If you suspect that you or your loved one may have mesothelioma, it is critical that you inform your doctor of your asbestos exposure. Other less common symptoms may include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, difficulty swallowing, cough, fever and sweats.

If you or your loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma you should contact a mesothelioma lawyer immediately to see if you have a mesothelioma case. Try to write down any source of possible exposure regardless of time passed and try to locate the responsible parties. Your mesothelioma lawyer will advise you on the statute of limitations. If you have a family member who has died from mesothelioma you may still be eligible to file a claim. If you were never directly exposed to asbestos but contracted mesothelioma from indirect exposure, such as asbestos dust brought home on a family members clothing, you may also be eligible to file a mesothelioma case.

While a settlement can not erase the fact that you or your loved one have contracted mesothelioma, it can bring comfort, security and stability to a family in crisis.

In order to cope with a diagnosis of Mesothelioma, it is crucial to know three important facts about this disease. First, one needs to know what Mesothelioma is. Second, it is imperative to know what causes this deadly cancer. Lastly, one must know as much as possible about the three forms of Mesothelioma. They are Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is attributed to repeated exposure to asbestos. Individuals most susceptible for developing Mesothelioma are those who work in shipyards, asbestos mines, manufacture asbestos products, and those employed in the heating and construction trades. Mesothelioma does not usually become evident until 20 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma gets its name from the word mesothelium. The mesothelium is the protective lining that covers and helps to protect most of the body's internal organs. This form of cancer invades the mesothelium. Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma are aggressive forms of cancer that attack the protective lining of the lungs, abdomen and heart, respectively.

Pleural Mesothelioma is the most prevalent form of Mesothelioma. It presents itself in the Pleura, or lining of the inside of the chest that house the lungs. When asbestos is mined, manufactured or disturbed, asbestos particles escape into the air. These particles are easily inhaled or swallowed. Over an extended period of time, these inhaled and ingested asbestos particles may eventually cause normal cells in the Pleura to become abnormal, causing Pleural Mesothelioma.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a more rare form of Mesothelioma. This type of cancer originates in the Peritoneum or the membranous lining of the abdomen that encloses the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Peritoneal Mesothelioma accounts for less than a quarter of all Mesothelioma cases.

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a cancer invades the Pericardium, or the membrane that surrounds the heart. This condition causes severe heart problems, and most people who contract this asbestos-related cancer eventually die from heart failure.

The Pleura is thought to be most susceptible to Mesothelioma. Due to this membrane surrounding the lungs it is in direct contact with asbestos fibers when inhaled. This would explain why Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common form of this deadly cancer.

It has been suggested that when asbestos-containing fibers are ingested or inhaled they can be picked up by the lymph nodes and spread to other parts of the body. This may account for cases of Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Chronic exposure to asbestos, after a latency period of approximately 20 to 60 years, can cause Mesothelioma. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma it is imperative to know what it is, what causes it and its three major forms; Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma. Once you know what form of this asbestos related cancer you are up against it will aid you in seeking appropriate treatment options.

In addition to seeking aggressive medical treatment, you need to find out the cause of your asbestos-related cancer. Since all three forms are caused by contact with asbestos, think back on all the jobs you've had, and where you were exposed to asbestos. Next, seek the advice of an attorney who is familiar with litigating Mesothelioma lawsuits. Your attorney will help you in documenting your exposure to asbestos even if it occurred many years ago, and also documenting the physical and emotional damage that your diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma or Pericardial Mesothelioma has caused for you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is Pleural Mesothelioma?

Pleural Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is most often found in people who have, at some point during their lives been exposed to high levels of asbestos. Asbestos is a type of naturally occurring mineral that was, for many years mixed with cement, plaster and paint and used in the interiors of houses. It was used as it is highly resistant to heat and is surprisingly strong. Unfortunately asbestos is made up of thin fibres which have since been found to be highly toxic to humans when they get into the body and it is these fibres that can be breathed in and cause a large number of health problems.

Due to the way that asbestos acts once inside the body it is usually many years later that asbestos related Pleural Mesothelioma is noticed. Pleural Mesothelioma is normally diagnosed when there is a change in the thin layer of membranes that are in the chest. When this pleural lining thickens or starts to calcify it is known as pleural plaques. These plaques in themselves are not always a definite precursor to cancer but they can greatly affect the function of the lungs and they can signal the start of Pleural Mesothelioma.

Pleural Mesothelioma may begin in the pleura but it can soon radiate outwards to the abdomen, the heart and the outer wall of the chest. When this happens and a diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma is made the prognosis is not good and many patients with Pleural Mesothelioma are not expected to live much longer than 12 months or so. With this in mind it is critical that anyone who has had previous exposure to asbestos is regularly tested for any changes in the pleura as this is an early sign that Pleural Mesothelioma could be imminent. When Pleural Mesothelioma is suspected early enough the patient can be treated and this can help them to live much longer than someone who has been diagnosed with full blown Pleural Mesothelioma.

Some of the symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma are pain in the lower back, shortness of breath and pain towards the side of the chest. Some people may have problems when swallowing, have a cough that will not go away and in some cases a patient might even be coughing up blood. Some people also find that they start to lose weight quite rapidly once the disease sets in.

As the outlook for a person with Pleural Mesothelioma is not good as treatment can be quite limited due to the aggressive nature of the disease. If the disease is caught quickly enough surgery can help to remove the pleura that are affected and the patient will live for longer than someone with advanced Pleural Mesothelioma. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also options that some doctors will use to further extend the life of their patient but this does need to be carefully considered. Painkillers are used to keep the patient as comfortable as possible and other complimentary therapies can be used.

Reference: Lina Smith

Facts Concerning Peritoneal Mesothelioma Patients in California

About 10% of all Mesothelioma cases that are diagnosed in the United States today are cases of Peritoneal Mesothelioma. There are nearly 3000 newly diagnosed cases of it diagnosed every year, which means that about 300 cases of Peritoneal Mesothelioma are diagnosed annually.

The human body has numerous protective linings which encase various internal organs. Mesothelioma is the name given to the cancer which attacks this protective lining, which is only known to be cause by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is used as a fire resistant, cost effective, building material which lingers in factories, the automotive industry, the construction industry, destroyed buildings, and some older, smaller building that have been converted into office buildings usually found in cities and house small business personally owned and operated by small business entrepreneurs.

Asbestos related diseases are a horrific scar on the humanity of our free commerce society. Business owners neglectfully and reprehensively allowed the continuous exposure of their employees to the cancer causing asbestos without regard for their welfare, future health, or the potential consequences. The effects of asbestos were known as early as the 1920s, although there have been reports which speculate that the hazards of asbestos were well known as early as the late 1890s. One of the greatest human tragedies of wrongful infliction is the fact that asbestos laws which restricted (not eliminated) the use of asbestos weren't passed until 1980. Apparently the American government wasn't all that concerned with the fate of its laborers.

Mesothelioma is known to attack the protective lining of various organs in three different areas of the body, the heart, the lungs, and the abdominal organs such as the spleen, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Mesothelioma that attacks the lining of the lungs, which is the most common type of Mesothelioma, is known as Pleural Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma which attacks the lining that protects the heart, is the rarest form of it, is known as Pericardial Mesothelioma. Pericardial Mesothelioma is also considered the deadliest form of it with the shortest life span after diagnosis. The form of Mesothelioma which attacks the lining which protects the abdominal organs is known as Peritoneal Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma in all forms if often very difficult to detect, and diagnosis is often made too late to effectively offer hope of life after it. Even the best Mesothelioma doctors typically can not offer hope of survival since it is typically diagnosed well after the onset of symptoms when the disease has progressed beyond the early, more treatable stages of it.

Regardless, patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma should seek out the best doctors available. Cutting edge technology and cancer research may still offer hope one day. Doctors are intimately involved with the progression of Mesothelioma as well as medical research progress and will be the first to be able to offer new and innovative treatments.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma often mimics other rare diseases, and without the information of previous long term asbestos exposure, many doctors who are not specialists are unaware that they should be considering the possibility of Mesothelioma when diagnosing the accompanying symptoms. Patients with undiagnosed or diagnosed Peritoneal Mesothelioma may experience symptoms which include abdominal swelling, bowel obstructions and other bowel issues, fever, weight loss, weakness, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma patients may choose to spend their time fighting the disease and undergoing treatments which may involve surgery, palliative therapies, chemotherapy, and radiation therapies. Treating Peritoneal Mesothelioma leads to great physical difficulty and challenges beyond the disease itself, and often patients who are treating Mesothelioma with conventional methods find the treatment process too exhaustive.

Other Peritoneal Mesothelioma patients find that they would rather spend their remaining time as comfortable as possible and with as much quality time with their families and friends as possible. It takes decades to expose itself after asbestos exposure, and sometimes there are legal avenues which patients decide to follow in an effort to hold the responsible company accountable for its neglectful attitudes on asbestos exposure.

Other patients decide that are filing Mesothelioma lawsuits are not a valuable way to spend their time. In some cases, the government has limited a Mesothelioma victim's ability to decide whether or not filing a lawsuit is in their best interest.

Regardless of how a Mesothelioma victim decides to spend their time, the fact of the matter remains that it is a needless and horribly distressing disease that could by all reasonable means be prevented. There is simply no reasonable excuse for the continuation of diagnoses.

Reference: Nick Johnson

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Mesothelioma life expectancy at the time of diagnosis will traditionally be announced at being somewhere between a few months to only a year or two. Statistically speaking, mesothelioma life expectancy is frighteningly short. However, the mesothelioma life expectancy rate is a mere average, mean or median of mesothelioma patients with wildly different independent variables. Many of these mesothelioma patients have lived years past their expected “date of death” estimate.

Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for these patients differed. Physicians for some patients may have been more experienced than physicians for the less fortunate. Not all patients follow through with chemotherapy or cancer treatment plans upon hearing the low mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, and many are not in shape to handle surgery. Others fight to live for just one more day.

Survival stories that can affect mesothelioma life expectancy rates range from the rarer cases of a young woman being “cured” – or having no remittance for decades, to the extremes on the other side, an 80+ year old gentleman with lifetime asbestos exposure, smoking heavily and suffering from numerous pre-existing diseases who dies a month after diagnosis. Others die during surgery. Most mesothelioma patient circumstances are somewhere in between. Many mesothelioma sufferers and their life expectancy statistics go unrecorded. Mesothelioma life expectancy will depend on your individual variables, your medical treatment, and your perseverance and outlook.

Mesothelioma life expectancy diagnosis will always depend on how early or late the disease was discovered. Because mesothelioma has been largely unrecognized in the past, the bulk of mesothelioma life expectancy statistics are mesothelioma patients who were diagnosed late in the disease. A greater awareness of the disease exists in the medical community, and although the majority of physicians do not have experience treating mesothelioma, most are aware of the potential presence of mesothelioma if a patient has been exposed to asbestos, and can refer a potential mesothelioma patient to a specialist.

Early detection and early treatment leads to longer life expectancy. Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos can be pro-active in diagnosing and treating mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused diseases. Patients can monitor their health

and mesothelioma symptoms and begin early detection X-ray and CT scan tests. Mesothelioma patients can research mesothelioma treatment options available in clinical trials and discuss these with their physician. A physician can not be aware of every clinical trial that exists, and a mesothelioma patient’s own research could add years on to mesothelioma life expectancy.

Statistics for mesothelioma life expectancy will logically improve rather than become worse. Clinical trials on mesothelioma treatment options are increasing with an urgency to halt the disease. Many clinical trial participants live years past the initial diagnosis due to innovative mesothelioma treatment. Others may have participated in a mesothelioma clinical trial that was not as successful, but their participation has cleared the way to successful mesothelioma treatment for others. Chemotherapy and drug combinations have been proven to lengthen mesothelioma life expectancy. Imaging and radiation technology has made significant advances.

Mesothelioma life expectancy can pass the low mesothelioma life expectancy rates of the past. Nobody in the statistics of mesothelioma has the identical combination of the physical, emotional, and environmental variables that you do. Medicine advances, it does not go backwards. Mesothelioma treatment and mesothelioma treatment options for your early stage or advanced malignant stage mesothelioma will be up to you. There is a strong chance that you can defy mesothelioma life expectancy statistics. Research. Stay alert to new mesothelioma treatment options. And look at yourself, not statistics.

Reference: mesothelioma information, such as mesothelioma symptoms, mesothelioma treatments and mesothelioma stages.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Detailed Information on Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma, also known as mesothelioma cancer is a deadly cancer that affects the lining of the lung (pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), and the lining of the heart (pericardium). The most familiar type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma, while pericardial mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma are less frequent. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. The main cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, although other factors such as smoking may result in additional complications.

Smoking modern cigarettes does not seem to enlarge the risk of mesothelioma. Simian virus 40 (SV40) may act as a cofactor in the development of mesothelioma. There are five common types of mesothelioma. Four of are malignant cancers, and one is a benign condition. Pleural Mesothelioma type of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the lungs, known as the pleura. It is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma. Peritoneal Mesothelioma form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the abdominal cavity. Pericardial Mesothelioma form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the heart, known as the pericardium.

Testicular Mesothelioma is the infrequent type of malignant mesothelioma; to date, there have been less than 100 proof cases. Testicular mesothelioma develops in the tunica vaginalis of the testicles. Benign Mesothelioma benign form of mesothelioma most commonly develops in the pleura. This is the only form of mesothelioma for which full cure and recovery is a probable outcome, though it may be a precursor of future asbestos-related problems. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may comprise bowel obstruction, blood clotting irregularities, anemia, and fever. Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the sites of the cancer, the phase of the disease, and the patient's age and normal health. Surgery is a common treatment for mesothelioma. For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed. Radiotherapy may be used as part of treatment to try to cure mesothelioma

Reference: Juliet Cohen

Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Malignant Mesotheliomas

Peritoneal mesothelioma is less common than pleural mesothelioma, but both of these typically malignant mesotheliomas can be just as tragic. Peritoneal mesothelioma begins in the abdominal cavity, as opposed to the lungs and pleural areas of pleural mesothelioma. “Peritoneal” means it has to do with the peritoneum, which is a membrane that surrounds the abdominal area. “Pleural” refers to the pleura which is a membrane that surrounds the lungs. There is also a “pericardial” mesothelioma which targets the heart membrane first.

The lungs, abdominal area and heart all have a membrane made up of mesothelial cells, named the mesothelium. A cancerous attack of these membrane areas are mesotheliomas. Asbestos is the cause of peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma in well over 90% of the cases. There are a few rare recorded cases of malignant mesothelioma when asbestos exposure was not identified. If you have been exposed to asbestos, there is a high chance you will suffer from an asbestos-caused disease such as asbestosis or pleural plaques. However, not all asbestos-caused diseases are fatal.

Peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma can be fatal malignant mesotheliomas which spread uncontrollably, or they can be benign, when the tumor stays where it is and can likely be removed. Unexplainable weight loss is a mesothelioma symptom which may occur in as many as 90% of benign and malignant mesothelioma. Generally, benign mesothelioma tends to show less symptoms than malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma symptoms for peritoneal mesothelioma almost always includes abdominal pain. This is because there is excess fluid between the peritoneal membrane and the abdomen walls. Pleural mesothelioma has excess fluid in the pleural area and this causes shortness of breath and chest pain.

The mesothelioma symptoms of pleural mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are not as outwardly visible as the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. In peritoneal mesothelioma, the abdomen can appear larger. Tumor masses may be visible, but external tumor visibility only occurs in a minority of peritoneal mesothelioma cases. Nausea is a common mesothelioma symptom with peritoneal mesothelioma, and the abdominal area will also be very tender.

In a healthy peritoneal area between the membrane and the wall, the peritoneal fluid helps the intestines move food. In peritoneal mesothelioma however, excess fluid causes bowel obstruction. The mesothelioma symptoms of extra fluid and bowel obstruction both contribute to abdominal pain. The bowel obstruction can also produce mesothelioma symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. Many peritoneal malignant mesothelioma patients have reported mesothelioma symptoms of a burning sensation in the abdomen. Mesothelioma symptoms for peritoneal malignant mesothelioma may not surface for 20-30 years after asbestos exposure, but it generally surfaces sooner than pleural mesothelioma.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is fortunately rare, however its rarity sometimes makes it harder to diagnose. The symptoms are similar to hernias and gall bladder problems, and identifying peritoneal mesothelioma in a CT scan is difficult. The medical industry is aware that asbestos-related diseases will be escalating over the upcoming years, and treatment for peritoneal malignant mesothelioma is undergoing many clinical trials. If you have been exposed to asbestos and have unexplainable abdominal pain and are experiencing unexplained weight loss, begin preliminary testing for peritoneal mesothelioma. The sooner the testing begins, the higher the chances for symptomatic relief, and hopefully today’s mesothelioma clinical trials will lead to a mesothelioma cure in the future.

Reference: mesothelioma information, such as mesothelioma symptoms, mesothelioma treatments and mesothelioma stages.